• Where to start..?
    Poems, poems, poems..
    Well, they have to have fancy words..
    They have to have "meaning"
    They have to touch people..
    Heh.. "Touch".
    But they can be about anything, really.
    Rather drastic, or perhaps abstract and null.
    They have a butt load of indents..
    And really shouldn't be.. Beeee....
    Yellow and black, make them tack...-eee......
    Buzzing and flurry,
    Like aunt amys' chop top curry..
    Beezzz Beezzzz Beeeeezz....
    They rhyme.
    They connect...
    Like spices in a mix.
    Of cookies..
    Anything.. If you put your mind to it..
    But do I really want to spend ma grande vacances du pense?
    Je ne pense pas cest bon idee...
    Anyone can do it though..
    I don't think I have to think.
    I think.. I think..
    We all think?
    Do you think?
    Oh, yes, you do.
    But look up into the sky, and into our oceans, and perhaps..
    The mirror...
    But do you really have to see to work?
    The blind.. The recessive.. The mutilated emotions go on..
    Really without sight.
    Almost as if the optic nerves really are irrelevant..
    Shouldn't this really be read aloud?
    Or inserted via needle?
    The sense of touch..
    Sense of ... smell?
    The sense of proudness!
    Unless you didn't create anything yet..
    And gratuity?
    Where's the motivation?!
    ... Look around.
    It may not be as far off as you thought it was.