You're always supposed to have a choice
Whether to do right or wrong things.
Life is supposed to be black and white,
But I know why the caged bird sings.
It sings because Life ain't so simple:
Each day's a day that we can die.
Each creature is a potential threat...
Because each creature must survive.
The world is a big murder weapon;
Nothing in it is truly safe.
Squirrels and small birds understand this,
And when danger looms, they will strafe.
There are no politics to nature
Unless you're with a group of fools.
Each person is a means to an end;
Each person's nothing but a tool.
This is the way that the real world works:
“The survival of the fittest.”
Show no mercy to those you must kill
Lest you'll be one of the dumbest.
Humans are dumb. They create new rules.
Religion, for one, is funny.
Making Life's tasks more complicated
Doesn't help the roles of the mules.
It only makes Life's goals harder to reach.
Most things are a waste of effort.
If it doesn't help ya to survive,
Ya might as well be eating dirt.
There exists within humanity
An illusion of happiness.
That kind of dream can only be found
By finding some kind of greatness.
Funny that humans treat animals
Like pathetic, mindless, stupid beasts,
The only actual difference
Is that they kill others the least.
The only rule of Life is “Don't Die.”
The more ya live, the more ya learn.
Humans, animals that play with fire,
Just don't gain wisdom from their burns.
---Berabus, Summer 2011