• There is a fire burning with in my soul
    It burns with anger and passion
    Flames of orange, red and yellow
    Burning brightly inside me
    The flames never weakening
    Only getting stronger and stronger
    Waiting to set fire with flames of rage
    Never giving in to lies
    To empty words and meaningless promises
    It continues to burn
    Each day filling with more and more anger
    Wanting to be set free
    Upon this world
    To consume those whom dare approach it
    Burning and burning
    The fire crackles and hisses with all of it's might
    Trying to escape
    This fire will always be deep inside me
    Never will the flames be put to rest
    They will burn and burn
    Destroying everything it touches
    Never letting anyone get close
    These flames are within my soul
    One day they will be set free
    To consume this world