• It is very rare that people get to see me smile. Not those phony smiles you see on peoples' faces. I mean the real ones. True happiness. When I laugh or smile, I don't usually mean it. I smile so that others could smile. I care for others so often, I don't have time to look at myself. Yeah, I said it's rare but that doesn't mean I frown all the time. I remember, this one person. He made me so happy I could burst from joy. It was like he knew what I liked and what I desire for my life. He words make my heart flutter, his comfort makes me feel safe. We are worlds apart and I don't get to see him anymore but the thought of seeing him again makes me what to hold on forever. That is my joy. The joy of having someone look after you. Someone who knows you best and the obstacles you've been through and was there to help you through it...
