• Clack, clack, clack
    as the solemn steps
    of my travelled feet
    reverberate off this cobblestone road.
    I sigh to myself,
    the cold winds of midnight
    following swiftly.
    The moon sees me.
    He wraps me in his outstretched arms
    though nothing but despair
    is brought from this embrace.
    As I continue on this journey,
    one with no purpose and no reward,
    I cannot forget the shadows.
    The shadows of those lost,
    of those who have walked away
    from that which we call memory.
    The moon does not see memory,
    nor does the sun,
    but they see me,
    the only one who does not want to be seen.
    The moon is holding too strong.
    Its light but a devious reflection,
    one of chains.
    I can no longer reach my destination.
    I will never know what it was.
    I can only see cobblestone now.
    Now and for eternity.