• In a Society where Sanity is the Social Standard, Madness is the only freedom.

    So therefore, is it the socialogical design of man that makes us all Succumb to Insanity itself?

    Or is it in fact the only perfection located within the bounds of humanity's gravemind?

    That the mind must take it'self back from the Body's Human and Naturalistic ways?
    Or that Human primitive instincts take the mind to a different level of conciousness?

    as we contemplate these various metaphores, is it truly for the betterment of man that we perplex ourselves day after day. Until our spirits are broken in such a way that they may never be repaired. That they never be shined to their former luster. So, I ask of you. Is Chaos truly defined by the actions of many? Or is it in fact defined by the ways of Man itself? That the norm become Chaos, and Chaos become the norm? That life it'self is one large equalizer. And perhaps the biggest question of all, What is Sanity? Are we born Sane? Are We born Crazy? Do we reform ourselves into Standardized people, and then recede into the Madness itself?

    Is it Paranoia that Scares us, into believing that there is nothing wrong with us. That everything is normal when clearly it is far from it. That Reality may in fact be a lie. We've lied to ourselves, We've convinced ourselves that we're Sane. That we've tamed our Animal instincts... But Really, Have we Defeated the Madness? Or has Madness it'self Defeated us, to the point that we find Solitude in the lie that is reality. That we must hide behind truths that we question ourselves. Look in the mirror, Do you feel Sane? Or Awakened in Madness?