• As you pass by the people on the streets,
    Take a look at each of their faces...
    Hard to believe that one could be an angel
    Hidden in plain sight among the many races.

    If you're one of the few who search for angels,
    Let me tell you, nothing is waht it seems.
    That nice rich man you think is a saint
    Could be a devil looking to use you for his personal means.

    But keep in mind what the Bible said,
    As that bum asks you for change with a pleading look on his face,
    Is to treat them as you'd be treated,
    Because if you do, you'll be praised when you reach that holy place.

    All this is a true fact.
    So remember, in the midst of the most painful of faces,
    Keep you'r eyes and mind open...
    Because angels show up in the srtangest of places.