• My love for you is incredible
    It resounds through my heart like the notes of a finely tuned piano
    Each key you choose to press resonates in my soul
    A beautiful concerto for our ears alone

    And we sing
    Our hearts together
    Notes intertwining
    Our concerto becomes a symphony

    Angels would weep at its beauty if only they could hear
    And in the night when I yearn for your touch
    The violins die down
    The piano softens its strokes

    Soft at first the drums begin
    The beat of your heart
    The heat of your skin
    The taste of your mouth

    Quite suddenly
    The violins erupt with music
    Loud and passionate
    Our bodies sing what our mouths can not

    The drums continue
    Loud and strong as our hearts pound together
    The final part of the show
    The performance of the night

    The music slows and fades
    In the dark the piano plays softly
    To the very last key
    The night takes over

    The curtain falls
    I close my eyes
    Behind the embrace of night I dream
    Dreams of tomorrow when I can hear our silent song...