• smoke smoke
    drink drink
    take take
    never any relief
    i think about it all the time
    never is my mind cleansed from this
    never shall i trult be
    too vivid
    too settled
    too strong
    so well adapted
    cant live
    i created a monster
    not just of me
    but of the things i touch
    so dizzy
    so tired
    where should i be
    anywhere but the hell im in
    but where is that
    I cant find it
    i cant escape
    cant run
    cant hide
    could someone help
    would they help
    thoughts thoughts
    drink drink
    what am i
    who am i
    how did i become this
    the monster i am
    why am i this way
    why did it happen to me
    why did they do it
    will i ever move on
    hell cant truly be worse than this
    could it
    how is it possible
    i live in hell
    set me free
    someone notice
    notice im unhappy
    notice im not free
    notice me
    free me from my cage
    this dark tomb of hatred
    all i hear is rats nibbling outside
    all i see is black
    pure numbness fills the air
    its so stuffy
    all i ever wanted was to be free
    who will set me free
    who will notice im not free
    when will i be set free