• I can't get the blood,
    To wash from my hands,
    To wash from my uniform.
    No one understands!

    I can't stand the sight,
    The feel, nor smell,
    Of this blood soaking everything,
    It's a personal hell.

    My Sergent had fallen,
    Right to his knees.
    And he wouldn't get up,
    Not matter my pleas.

    The bullet bled red
    Soon ending his heart.
    Looking into those empty eyes,
    Tore me apart.

    What once was strong,
    Has lost all it's will.
    All that bursting energy,
    Now growing still.

    I can't explain war,
    And the terror it brings.
    I can't explain the death,
    And all the other things.

    But everyone is dying,
    There's nothing I can do!
    Comrades falling,
    After all we've been through.

    I'm covered in their life,
    As it sinks down within.
    I'll never wash out,
    All of this sin.

    I'll never be the same.
    No, not after all this.
    For even if I do get out,
    Another man enlists.