• Trailing right behind you Mr. Blue Jay, I am
    Don't you worry, I shadow your every step
    Like a directionless pioneer
    You are the guide, I can not deny that
    You know what's best, I can not deny
    That piece of logic, but my conscience, still uneasy
    Wonders if maybe I could hold some insight
    What could it hurt if I fed the fire?
    A burn or two but aloe can fix that up
    Just simple prices to pay to learn a lesson
    What could it hurt if I climb an oak tree?
    A scratch or, a poke from a branch, oh well
    The risk of major injury is just a minor setback
    From learning the things I can't in this sheltered life
    I don't mean to sound so harsh, Mr. Blue Jay sir
    It's just that I could use some fresh air
    A bit of freedom, is that too much to ask for?
    Don't get me wrong my dear friend
    I do enjoy your welcome company
    But where's the adrenaline, where's the adventure?
    There is no future in this small town rubble
    I want some noise, some good old trouble
    Where is the joy in living a safe life?
    Where is the joy in leading a bland life?
    Genetics have allowed you to have the gift of wings
    A mechanism for flight I envy
    So why, why don't you fly away from this wasteland?
    What could there be in this town of nothing
    Keeping you grounded, unwilling to escape...?