• I'm tired of this abuse,
    and I'm tired of your words..
    So now you say you hate me?
    Man, that sounds absurd.

    You say I'm not 'the one',
    but your eyes say different.
    As you lower your gaze from mine,
    I ask where all the love went.

    You reply with, "I don't know."
    I can see you're hiding something.
    But you won't let it show.

    You leave before I can ask more,
    and I lock myself in my room.
    For me, in my depression,
    tomorrow comes too soon.

    A knock on the door
    summons me downstairs.
    Its your family - turns out you're dead,
    but almost no one seems to care.

    I dig through our old stuff,
    cards, gifts, and notes galore.
    Sitting down, I look through them,
    spreading them out all over the floor.

    After awhile I reach for my coat,
    needing to escape,
    when out of it falls a note,
    from my now dead ex-boyfriend.
    This is what it said:

    "I hope that you will read this
    and finally understand
    why exactly I left
    so abruptly, so unplanned.
    According to the doctor,
    something's wrong inside my head.
    It is slowly killing me,
    so soon I will be dead.
    I left in hopes that maybe
    you wouldn't be as upset.
    But I want to say I've loved you
    since the day we met.
    I hope to see you someday
    but I want you to be happy.
    Until then, take care,
    and again I have to say,
    I love you, forever."

    Yes, I decide.
    We will meet again,
    someday, I assure you,
    my dearest friend..