• Promise me when I wake

    You will still be beside me
    Promise me you wont leave
    You will be holding my hand
    Promise me you will no longer be dead
    You will play your cello for me
    Promise me your blue ribbon will be in your hair
    You wont have given up life
    Promise me you will still love me
    You wont have left me
    Promise me that your slender fingers will still be wiping away my tears
    You wont leave them there for my pain
    Promise me that we wont be used for weapons anymore
    You and I will live life like normal humans
    Promise me all the monsters will be killed
    You wont let everyone get hurt
    Promise me you wont be dead
    You will laugh with me again
    Promise me that Diva’s babies and Kai will be safe
    You wont let just let them die
    Promise me that you will never leave me
    You will leave a rose for me
    Promise me you wont forget me
    You wont want to forget me
    Promise me when I wake
    You will still be beside me