• Live for today and not for tomorrow,live every second like its your last. Life as we know it is a gift and not a given rite,live,love,laugh. Life's unpredictable for one minute you might be fine having your normal day or an unusually awesome day then in a quick second you could begone.So due to the sanding fact this should push you to not hold back and shoot for the stars, if you see a great opportunity GO FOR IT. Make your dreams come true,and every once in a while just think of some thing crazy, grab some friends and just do it don't be afraid. You also shouldn't be scared to be yourself because if you are living life as someone else and not who YOU are then you're ganna be miserable person,trying to keep up with all the lies you will drive your-self insane. So you should live life likes its your last minute on earth and just be yourself.