• Wildbeasts roam
    in a city alone
    A cage
    his own skin
    wasting away in his own sin
    He fell from his home

    Into a city, a town
    Where fire and chaos
    define order

    Human perception
    dimmed by the light
    is shown clarity
    by the darkness of night

    A lonely hotel
    ominous and tall
    boarded windows and broken walls
    behind the door
    a dim light shines

    Reflected off its shining skin
    a rabid creature sleeps within
    within a mind, within a soul
    the lord of darkness
    within us all

    A dream!
    Is it over?
    are you there?
    We watched the creature
    snore and swear

    From the bedroom
    down the hall
    we flee from our greatest call
    ignore the beast
    turn within

    Within the mind
    escape the pain
    deep into the labyrinth of the brain
    explore yourself
    intrigue and awe
    fill your brain with

    Turn back!
    Back to the room
    Back down the hall
    Back through the broken wall
    The creature stirrs
    It's anger present
    a murder, a torture
    a room incalescent

    Fear is building
    stand your ground
    the hotel is slowly breaking down

    Leave this place
    Fly deeper still
    back into the minds inner hall

    Grab the hand
    of your companion
    Don't slow down

    Across the sky
    To the moon
    above the trees
    stand in the eerie
    moonlit breeze

    The creature appears!

    You feel fright
    Your companion, your conscious
    closes her eyes

    The rotting flesh
    the creatures stare
    The darkness surrounds you
    fall from the air

    The ground breaks
    a roaring sound
    it is over now

    From the house
    within the town
    a crying, moaning
    gutteral sound

    A baby born
    A death in turn
    Such is the cycle
    A human learns