• The rolling sea of grass
    Sparks and shines in the dark sunlight
    That never seems to set.
    Salty air sweetly burns my nostril feeding my inner soul.
    A cool breeze carries a soft melody of a flute’s lullaby
    That is my sun that warms me before the cold can hold me close.
    As I sit on the swaying grass that tickles my ears listening to the cello that waltzes with the grass.
    Suddenly an over powering sound low brass of swims through my mind.
    Searching wildly what object makes this music.
    Fading then coming back strong but whisper in my ears.
    It hits me with a ton of bricks noticing the shadows made the roaring low brass song.
    Looking up at the sky the crisp crackle of a snare drum is the running clouds.
    The tempo of the snare is the heart beat of the fluffy clouds.
    It wasn’t the rustle of the leaves I was drawn to.
    It was a cheery ring of Christmas bells making anyone smile and be at peace.
    My favorite was the music the flowers made.
    The music was as beautiful as the flowers themselves, a combination of trumpets, clarinets and a piano.
    Clarinets chatted for the Carnations carrying a cozy complex concert.
    The trumpets triumphantly transformed the tune into a timeless piece.
    The peaceful piano played poetically past the trumpets tune making the tune a slow song. The three songs combined into a graceful symphony.
    I sit listening to all the music at once; never did it slip through my ears as a chaotic mess. Never did it sound like a baby’s cry.
    It will always be the one place where music that you can both see and hear come together to make a noisy silence.
    Forever it will be a place where the music makes silence so beautiful that pure serenity will follow my every step in the place I call home.