• oh i woke up from my shattered dream
    into a nightmare of reality
    and that's ok
    replaying the same old story
    but the endings oh so boring
    and i already know
    its so predictable

    So why keep draging me down
    into a world i dont belong
    where people keep saying nothings wrong
    but have they looked around cuse theres
    problems all over this town
    and im singing
    sha na na na
    na na na na
    na na na na
    na na na na na na
    oh ooo oh

    (vrs 2)

    now i live in a place where nothing seems true
    and time just wants to stop for you
    and thats oooh kayy
    i make eight bucks and hour
    the minimum wage
    and its how i get through life
    to day
    but its so wonderful
    yeah life's so wonderful

    oh so when you tell me something
    dont expect me to listen
    cause im completly apothetic toards
    every thing that you have to say
    my feelings are raw
    and the pain is gone
    i washed all my worries away

    (chorous x2)