• Many days and months
    Feelings for you never came to an awakening.
    Now they're coming out, but only as a pomegranate seedling
    Your looks had tricked me into thinking of something more
    I wish I had known sooner, cuz' my heart's soon to pour
    Out the love I yearned to have with you,
    But you made it into something that has no desire, no fire, no spark- just dwindle
    You leave my heart beating, when your voice comes upon me
    Oh, how I wished things would've gone better-- a lot more smoothly
    To see you there, makes me full of despair..
    For I've known you wanted something too, but never knew how to get it
    I remember that day, and I know you do too
    The sweet summer laughs, and the giggles we grew
    The long night walks, the secrets we told
    But no one's sharing anymore, until one of us unfolds
    Stuck in a hourglass, but no sand's inside
    For me there's no saying "only time can tell"
    Cuz' you took the time, and placed it in your heart to dwell.
    Don't You say your Love's limited to me
    Because your eyes are saying I am more, than appeared to be.
    I know that I would never say that to you,
    Because after all these years, I'm still saying, I love you.