• In darkness of the night
    I spied him in a tree
    Sat I froze by the sight
    He was looking at me
    The summer's heat became a chill
    The angel of death at his kill

    My heart skipped with the fright
    Blinked my eyes to bet'r see
    Glanced back with all my might
    Parted he my company
    My chest was quickly pounding still
    The angel of death at his kill

    I did rise and take flight
    The fear made me to flee
    From darkness into light
    To free captivity
    Unbinding my soul from his will
    The angel of death at his kill

    Many years since that night
    Gazed I on that brazing be
    Memories of still incite
    Fears of my slavery
    Existence of him makes me ill
    The angel of death at his kill