• I know it's kind of weird
    To write about politics
    But, something tells me
    We're all ruled by lunatics
    Congress is in shambles
    The courts have run a muck
    And while these "parties' battle on
    The people get played for schmucks
    We are the collateral damage
    To a war we cannot win
    So many lives have been lost
    While others battle the demons within
    The people are in the streets
    Crying out for help
    But, the higher ups don't care
    About the little whelps
    Their greedy hands and crooked ways
    Make most of us miss those happy days
    A wise man once said,
    "In war," he whispered.
    "Truth is the first casualty."
    With all the lies, deceit, and and all the mistrust
    Leaves out hopes
    Crumbling in the dust
    This land we call "America"
    Was founded on freedom and hope
    We've tied the noose, and are hanging by the rope
    In all this fighting, did anyone care to think about the one every single one us in common?
    We all bleed, we all breathe, we all love, and we all hate
    So, why are we still fighting?