• This generation has been bland flavored and sour,
    Too many lifeforms created with superficial sight,
    Less and less development of art and creativity by the hour,
    Why can't they learn a poetic sense of mind is intelligence stronger than might,

    Their minds see seven colors but I see 256,
    As they bluntly destroy the world I sit back and try to fix,
    While their minds rot in a box mine escapes and can see,
    The wonderful imaginative beauties of dreams grasping me,

    Stars look like light but there the heavens in the night,
    Grass may look like a plant but it's the life of the meadows I lay on,
    People may look useless but God never made a useless being,
    It's how you comprehend your powers is the meaning of seeing,

    I'm not even close to finishing yet to the capabilities I hold within,
    while I may have learned a lot my life is only almost about to begin,
    I try to express these dynamic emotions I hold tightly to then show,
    But it still will take me a hundred years to teach someone so robotic what I know.