• My body is a mirror and you are looking at yourself,
    Not only the marks you left but the pain you've dealt,
    Love accompanied me and the emotion I felt,
    but you twisted my dimensions and left my brain to melt,

    I understand you but you will never understand me,
    Right in front of you is my path that you can clearly see,
    It's away; it's a road going near but still away from you,
    We could fit like a puzzle if you had any relationship aptitude,

    You don't and you're being more stubborn than I,
    It's funny to say that because your a girl and I'm a guy,
    Look I'm the engine and your the wings to make us fly,
    You're not broken but you made the engine break and die,

    It's no complicated it's just a gradual defeat,
    You toppled yourself when you trampled me with your feet,
    Connecting our hearts is like connecting two lines,
    They may be together but you can never keep them aligned.