• *If I Could Draw Me*

    If I could draw me, I'd draw my life well,

    With great friends, family, and stories to tell.

    I'd draw over my problems, my worries, and pain.

    I'd wash them away like soil in rain.

    But by covering my problems, what do I learn?

    Those problems I covered will surely return.

    If I could draw me, I'd draw me a wife.

    To stay by my side, for the rest of my life.

    But the greatest passion put forth in my art.

    Could never compare to a real woman's heart.

    The mate of my soul will see past my skin.

    She'll see my heart glowing so brightly within.

    So who cares about looks, beauty is here.

    It's my spirit, my mind, my love so sincere.

    If I could draw me, I'd draw only love.

    Much brighter than any stars up above.

    I'd draw myself colorful, happy, and bright.

    I'd draw, and draw, with all of my might.