• The things that may look perfect... never are
    The things that look to go to be true...... most likely are
    The things that you know you can be fooled with.... please don't let it
    The things that do fool you..... please learn from it
    The things that shine bright from heaven to earth.....is mostly hell
    The things that is hell.....is what you let it be and not no one else
    The things that you create.....don't let it be taken away
    The things that build us...... don't let it break
    I tell you this not only from common knowledge but also life time experience from the day I (we) all started walking, tasting, feeling, seeing, hearing, touching, laughing, and crying. We all have that which binds us to two things.....the brain and the heart.
    We live and we learn so they say but how many of us truly live??? We all think its okay because we all do it in our own special way?
    So ask yourself is it really okay......if you truly know in your heart that its not and don't lie to yourself there is not point because the only one who suffers is you..... then get up and walk to make it different into what really you want....its no ones life but yours at the end so fly. gaia_angelleft gaia_angelright .