• I can’t speak my mind
    Because I hanged myself with words
    Since the rope didn’t work.

    I want to throw out the truth
    But I’m weak and I’m scared.

    Your eyes tell me stories your mouth hasn’t spit
    So I wonder if mine do the same.
    Can you read them?
    I suppose they’re clouded over by now
    With all the lies I’ve been told
    And the promises I broke.

    I lose myself in the night
    Wishing for connection
    Creating pain.

    If you’ve never swallowed metal
    I’ll tell you how it tastes
    Because it’s not as pleasant as it feels.

    So please lie to me
    Tell me you can save me.

    Sometimes a sweet lie is better than a bitter truth.

    verweint Bettwäsche und Blut befleckt Handgelenke

    Apollo Faye