• Faster, then slower; my heart keeps beating.
    But little by little my soul's depleting.
    Silver tears stain the curves of my face.
    Sorrow in knowing, I'm the last of my race.

    Violet blood burns through my veins,
    The ink that pleads my family name.
    Chronicles are found within my being.
    Each mark on me holds hidden meaning.

    The story residing within remains untold.
    But with each day of my life, new secrets unfold.
    I am the last; I stand in solidity.
    Beauty bound in a monster's entity.

    Judgmental stares burrow deep in my eyes.
    Those afraid of difference spread horrid lies.
    Their mouths feed venom to the longing crowds,
    Whose eyes are too blind to see through dark clouds.

    "You're not a Monster!" words said in love,
    Heard through hate which rains high from above.
    Only his words should matter, not of those who scorn.
    But with every biting tongue, my heart is torn.

    Enough! I refuse to let self-pity form here.
    Let my words no longer fall on deaf ears.
    I'll play your game; I'll fight in your war.
    Let loathing, your emperor, breathe no more.

    Let my actions tell the history of my great clan.
    The demons, no, the angels that protected man.
    Serving on their side with such loyalty,
    High kings and queens deemed them royalty.

    Their blood, my blood, stained your kingdom's streets.
    And for what; that hatred and wrath may meet?
    No more! My vengeance will be heard.
    My claws will feed you every word.

    My body grows weak, though my ambition burns true.
    Ancestors, hear me, I'm fighting for you.
    Your blood will not have been shed in vain,
    For now I restore the family name.