• deliver us as we hang from the thirteenth floor
    for you must hear us as we sing and cry for liberation
    deliver us to safe and sober thought
    for we are lost in our own home
    and as we continue to be erased from time
    I do not feel any dispair for my home
    for I have seen what war can do
    and it has removed my tears
    although I cannot cry for my land
    I will still belong to it untill I vanish from history
    the price to pay for retribution
    I have lived with our burning sun
    and I am numb to its flames
    for it is the heat of man that burns our home
    burns our people
    I used to pray to our god to deliver us to freedom
    but now I see that the burnt flesh of war is the only soul here in our land
    and with its truth
    I will carry the rage of our rising sun

    one day we will see the sun fully set behind the trees
    and continue our legacy of creation
    but as long as they continue to strip our history
    I Will Die In The Name Of Liberation