If you close your eyes what do you feel? Hear?
I feel air softly stroking my elbow with the faintest touch. It’s almost like a hand hovering over me, not quite touching me but the aura and heat are there. The fan makes a rhythmic sound, lulling my mind into a relaxing state. Children are outside somewhere, yelling, whining? I feel pressure in my head, it keeps growing then subsiding, the pressure is like waves on the beach. Going back and forth, but instead of being soothing it’s crashing in my head and not subsiding. Wood is under my bare feet, not the smooth shiny wood that you see in houses that have O.C.D owners. It’s the kind you have before you carpet the floor. Miss matched light browns, paint randomly placed there. Imperfect laid with nails, utter beauty.
But beauty is also perfect….
Butterflies, have you felt one? Seen one?
A butterfly is like a cool breeze, but you can see this breeze. They hover but don’t quite touch you, you feel their aura is cool though, not fiery hot or electric. It’s just a cool movement, feeling… There colors seem to captivate the young and the old. Beautiful metallic blues, bright loving pinks, deep reds and oranges. They are perfect, what you see on one wing will be on the other. But they aren’t quite perfect. Though one design may be on the other wing that doesn’t mean it’s in the exact spot. It may be a few movements to the right or left. But you wont notice this imperfection at all, you’re to captivated by the full beauty of the animal.
Perfection isn’t everything. Something may be perfect, whole beautiful and stunning. But that doesn’t mean it’s worth it all. With perfect comes a price, a price that is deformed from the inside out. It eats away until there is nothing wonderful on the inside but the outside, well baby that’s still damn perfect. But what’s it worth? Really what is the perfect on the outside worth if there is nothing to love on the inside? Well if you lust after things that are perfection than you’re good, you’ll lose nothing and gain nothing except your ugly perfection.
But if you feel, if you get those fluttering feelings that brush across your stomach . That cold fluttering feeling that makes you go wild with want. Then you’ll take imperfection and find the beauty in it. You’ll see every flaw but find it beautiful anyways….
I feel very insightful at the moment. Gotta love fevers…
RadicalRosebud · Tue Aug 25, 2009 @ 11:06pm · 1 Comments |