Today in math class; while yours truely was slyly ninja listening in to their random conversations and laughing to my self for fun ^^.

Anyways... theie random topic for today was Raves, and Candy (jewelry)

Zach: Cande, cande, cande...... I will eat and choke and eat and smoke and LIVE!!!! xd
Me: Wow, I didn't know you went to raves. surprised
-This is my first interview with one of the cast members of my journal entry- stare it was actually the first time i ever talked to him- YAY!!! biggrin -
Zach: Yeah, did you know Monster Mesh is this Saturay.
*I think he assumed that I snuck out of my house and went to raves eek .... >< HE ACTUALLY THOUGHT I WENT TO RAVES!!!! (i would never do such a thing despite the fact that they do light shows)*
Me: OMG... I thought it was next saturday.
* I'm trying to get the latest info; after doing this for a long time, you are kinda able to keep the conversation going by making up quick lies*
Zach: But the entry is 50$
Me: eek 50$!?
Zach: yeah it's like the biggest thing of the year and they are bringing in last years DJ
*I have no clue what he means but I'll nod and pretend to be intrugeied*
Me: Sweet! I'll tell Corra. ^^ "
(Corra is my friend, I have many friends from all kinds of groups; preppy, anime freaks, geeks, ravers, smokers, popular, nerds, beauty queens, gays, lesbians, bysexuals, freshies, out going cosplayers, friendly rivals .... you NAME it! Corra is a raver and I am currently trying to get her to stop doing drugs, it's wrong ><, I don't smoke but i know people who do and i'm perfectly straight, but i can get info to and from others for my own knowledge and mesages) ^^