• I flutter my eyes and they open wide
    today is a day I'm filled with pride
    Excitement runs through my every limb
    for I know that a present has been dropped off by him

    I throw off the covers and run down the stairs
    It's early in the morning, but so what? Who cares?
    I practically jump up and down with glee
    to see all those presents placed under the tree

    My sisters and brothers all follow suit
    My parents come out and give us more loot
    They bring out the stockings and we all cheer
    Oh boy do we kids love this time of year

    We crawl under the tree and gather our presents
    We rip and tear until the ham's smelling pleasant
    We open our toys and gasp with surprise
    at all the joyous things that lie inside

    We all hug each other and throw away the paper
    We play with ourgadgets and save the clean up for later
    We play all day, and we sleep all night
    And we wake up the next morning to giggle with delight

    There's no way we deny what a wonderful time
    was had Christmas Day and we're all feeling fine
    The day is long gone but the spirit remains
    Oh boy oh boy do I love Christmas Day