• What do we say about the holidays?
    They are cold and dark.
    The sun leaves us so early, and returns so late.
    And rarely do we see her radiance,
    Behind clouds filled with snow.
    Cold and Dark.

    What do we say about the holidays?
    They are costly and stressful.
    We run around doing this, and hurry about buying that.
    And rarely do we find a moment of peace,
    With so little time to do what we need.
    Costly and Stressful.

    What do we say about the holidays?
    They are too short.
    We sit in class, praying for the break to come.
    And the moment it comes, it's gone,
    The excitement gone too quickly.
    Too Short...

    But the holidays are wonderful.
    The snow is just as radiant as the sun.
    The cold lasts only so long.
    The money and stress is made up for in joy.
    Seeing faces light up brilliantly.
    And the times that we remember should be cherished.
    Because so few can say the same.

    So this holiday, love your friends.
    Love your family and time together.
    And most of all,
    Remember those who don't have
    What you do.
    Those who lack a mother or father.
    Or both.
    Those who lack a brother or sister.
    Or friends.
    Those who lack a roof over their head.
    Or love.
    Pray for love and peace this holiday,
    And always know that we are blessed.
    Each and every one.