• The Brothers Yin and Yang

    The Earth (Daichi) and Ground (Tsuchi/Jimen) provide a place to live,
    With all the picturesque scenes and pleasantries it can muster,
    But what it asks in return to satisfy its hunger,
    Is equal to the magnitude of the ground shakes and people screaming for cover,

    For a blessing to become a curse signifies naturally,
    That Darkness (Yami) and Light (Hikari) are brothers.

    Similarly Fire (Kasai/Houka) causes light and warmth,
    And glows everywhere with its torches,
    But one step out of its captivity, it blazes,
    And turns to ash everything in its path it chooses,

    For a blessing to become a curse signifies naturally,
    That Darkness and Light are brothers.

    Wind (Kaze) and Air (Kuuchuu/Kuuki) soothes the nerves and carry breaths,
    The warmth and chill of it sweeps the spines with normality,
    But tornadoes and twisters bring havoc and chaos,
    Sweeping the gatherings of the lands and blowing away with its laden arms,

    For a blessing to become a curse signifies naturally,
    That Darkness and Light are brothers.

    Water (Mizu) and Rain (Kouu/Rein), brings harmony and peers,
    Bringing joy to children and peace for farmers,
    But if it continues heavily the peace shatters,
    In vain everyone continues to watch the disasters,

    For a blessing to become a curse signifies naturally,
    That Darkness and Light are brothers.

    Besides all of their differences combined,
    They need each other to survive,
    People wish for no Darkness but what they fail to realize,
    That without Darkness how will there be Light?

    As inseparable as the two sides of a coin,
    Yet as different as the Night and the Day,
    In the Night the Yin makes all the glories shine,
    While in the Day the Yang helps make the hay.

    Starting from Dawn a friendship can be born,
    And can shelter the Yin with its rainbow-coloured wing,
    And in Dusk, the Yin will repay the trust,
    By shielding the Yang under its Silvery armour,
    And not letting anything come under harm’s way.

    For as kind as the Yang to as loyal as the Yin..
    And as vengeful as the Yang to as gory as the Yin.