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  • Artist Info: I am human.... I think.... kay.... now I'm not sure TT.TT!<br />
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    I really want to be a writer some day, so go to the arena and check out my stuff kay! I love to read, write and draw. I can only draw people though.<br />
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    I really don't think it's possible to have a favorite movie or book. Well not for me at least. I love all kinds of books and movies. <br />
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    I dislike school (Hate is a strong word, but i really really don't like school). The only propblem I have, is that, to me , it's boring. I have hardly any classes with my friends and there is so little time to hang with them. And the work, ugh! When will I use this junk! I mean seriously! I say Homework is teachers way of making you suffer at home.<br />
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    Okay, yeah. I think i am human, because I'm SERIOUSLY FLAWED! Ah, the weirdness is back. Or was it always here? Odd.<br />
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    Okay. I love the weird, odd strange, whatever term you like to use. To me normal is the greatest insult, and I don't really like to use the word perfect either, except if it helps someone i care about.
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