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Artist Info:
I'm Sara, which means: a Born-again Christian, decent at drawing and photography (and video games.) Sophomore Graphic Design major.<br />
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If you wish to contact me, you have a better chance on Facebook or deviantART (theshortone85)<br />
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Instagram: theshortone85 - Avg. rating:
- 1 Fans
- Innocent Naga
- Original Avatar
- 2 recent comments
- Raving Rabbit
- Original Avatar
- 6 recent comments
this is a story
im working on
this is the 1st
chapter please
tell me what u
ppl think - Savages
- Fiction
- 2 recent comments
It starts off
as somone talks
about their
heart and
explan how it
was saved, and
in a way
it's sayin - My Heart
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 5 recent comments
the poem is
about someone
who love them,
but left them
and the other
biggist fear is
being f - DON'T FO...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 5 recent comments
A love for one
and another how
they treasure
it and protect
it and wish
they could see
one another, - Our Love
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
Comments (1 Comments)
- TheShortOne85 - 09/23/2010
- I take all my own pictures, and usually edit them. Yes, I do draw avatars. I don't really have a shop, since I'm not online a whole lot. Just PM me if you want one^^
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