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  • Artist Info:
    My name is Alex. <br />
    I'm a 30 year old british musician and I've been here for a really long time now, but I don't regret (Even though i joke about it all the time) making the decision to make my first account so long ago. I've met a lot of wonderful people in my time here and had a lot of different experiences, and while i don't think my time spent here now is nearly as exciting as it once was I'm still drawn back here.<br />
    I don't have a massive amount of hobbies outside of music, but i'm a semi active gamer. i play rougelikes and action games more than a lot of other genres and kingdom hearts is my favourite game series.<br />
    <br />
    Thanks for reading if you have and don't be afraid to approach me if you feel like making a new friend or having a chat about whatever because i'm always happy to meet new people.<br />
    Hold on to the people you love and take care.<br />
    <br />
    (Forever in my heart. R.I.P Kali heart )
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