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  • Artist Info:
    Name: Ann<br />
    Age:15<br />
    Status:Taken and loving every minute of it.<br />
    Lover's name:Jake (amsomniac45)<br />
    Birthday:May 16<br />
    Zodiac:Taurus<br />
    Deviant: sweetangelof1993.deviantart.com<br />
    Myspace: myspace.com/geckssgeicko<br />
    _________________________________<br />
    Judge me<br />
    & I'll prove you wrong.<br />
    Tell me what to do<br />
    & I'll tell you off.<br />
    Say I'm not worth it<br />
    & watch where I end up.<br />
    Take advantage of me<br />
    & I'll do it back to you twice as bad.<br />
    Call me crazy,<br />
    but you really have no idea.<br />
    _________________________________<br />
    Don't fall for someone <br />
    unless they're willing to catch you<br />
    _________________________________<br />
    There's only two pains in life;<br />
    The pain of diciplne & the pain of regret.<br />
    _________________________________<br />
    Dream as if you'll live forever<br />
    Live as if you'll die tomorrow.<br />
    <br />
    User Image<br />
    <br />
    INVADED.<br />
    <br />
    Yo people of Gaia. This is i-strawberrys, I'm here to talk about this girl right here. Wunie, she’s like the most remarkable girl ever!!! She’s so trustworthy, elegant, smart, beautiful, and reliable. I can trust her with anything and everything. She’s helped me through a lot of break ups, hook ups, and she’s always there. And I swear she’s like an Alien, her random texts and hugs at the right times? Just make my days so much better. She makes me laugh by being random and so open with me. Like the time she bring me into her kitchen to eat breakfast with her. Or when I was eating my sandwich, and I gave her the rest. And she’s forever saying how I'm such a good person, We both have very big hearts, and she’s in mine. As I am in hers, She worries a lot! Which is a good thing, you always feel good when someone loves you enough to worry about you. But she needs to take a break, and stop worrying if Yale will accept her. Because in my eyes? Yale would be the dumbest college ever invented if they didn’t.<br />
    <br />
    Zomg, we have this plan, which we are going to move into the out of the box House. And live there if she doesn’t become a doctor. Or that when I grow up, Me, Her, Elrik, & Jake will all live in one house. Were not sure which state though... But whatever. Anyway, Angela is my Angel. And she’s perfect just the way she is, so she should stop trying to be perfect. Because you cant fix perfection Angie.<br />
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