• Chapter One

    My name is Tsuki, and I'm here to tell you a story about how a human, a magician, and a vampire became intertwined in a never-ending destiny.
    The Sakura (Cherry blossoms) tree flowers fell towards the ground as I ran out of the gigantic gate of Tokyo Gakuen High School. In one hand, I held my diploma certifying that I successfully graduated, and in the other, I held the hand of my beloved best friend, Shiro. At that moment I never noticed anything about him that was different, until I was pulled by a great force.
    "Ophh!!" I huffed in pain as I couldn't get the urge to stand up again.
    "Stay away from that 'THING' girl. . ." the male that push me said.
    He had cold eyes that looked like they could pierce me into rock hard stone. His hair hid behind his hat that looked ridiculous because it was gold and black with one side longer than the other. He was very fair skinned and wore a black robe that had Kanji characters on it that said "Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Moon, Sun", but the weirdest thing about him was that he carried a staff that formed a crescent moon at the top.
    "What do you mean by THING? That person there is my friend!!" I yelled at him with all the energy I had left.
    "I can't believe you, he isn't even human and you can't tell?! Man, mortals are hopeless.." He said as those words pierced my dignity.
    "Hey, leave her alone!!" Shiro said as he ran towards my aid.
    "Wanna duke it out then?!" The strange boy said as he took out a bunch of talismans.
    As he said that, it was the first time I saw Shiro snap.
    "LIKE HELL I WILL!!" Shiro yelled.
    With that said, he punched the strange being in the face.
    "Too slow..."
    The male vanished before the punch even finished the blow. In the place that he was standing was a calling card.

    It read:
    I am coming after the fair maiden at ten sharp tonight, and from there, we shall finish our battle...
    Till then, Farewell...
    - Ryuunosuke Shirayuki