Nightfall, a mob of people are chasing a woman to the Tower Bridge, she is cornered to the edge. Looking down into the river she gasps; the woman has long blonde hair, she is pale, thin, wearing a white night gown, and is covered in blood from her mouth to the gown. She could be no older than 17, the people cry out "Put a spike through the trollop!!" She looks to her parents who now stand against her in disgust. She falls to her knees the crowd closes in, they stop suddenly and out comes a young man dressed in military garb, long brown hair , a defined face, blue eyes and a stern grin. A decorated officer in the Royal Army he pulls out his customized pistol and fires at the girls stomach. She looks at him in shock mouth agape and then falls to the ground. The crowd praises him as he replaces his pistol into its holster and lites the corpse ablaze, "Astinos! Astinos!" The barbaric mob chants. He looks to the girls parents then looks away to hide his sorrow...
On his way back home, Astinos was confronted by his commanding officer, Gen. Fallus
"Astinos, from the reaction of that crowd, i presume that infernal creature was dealt with?"
He asked.
"Her name was Madeline, and yes she or it was dealt with.." Astinos replied. The General was a large round man who, when dressed in his full red coat resembled an apple,he was in his 50s, his beard was not gray but white; he wore a monocle which was strikingly contrary of his position in the military.
"So sorry to disturb you, apparently no other soldier had the fortitude to accept the challenge."
The General complimented.
"Does Kennedy know of my absence?" queried Astinos.
"She doesn't like to know that you're not by her side because you're killing someone...even if it is a vampire." He answered. The two continued the walk when The General stopped.
"General...are you alright?" Astinos asked. He was paralyzed, in a sense. Astinos looked at what the General was fixed on...
A tall man standing atop a buliding nothing seen on him but his glowing red eyes, Astinos did not hesitate to fire at the creature of vice. The bullets phase through the vampire completely, the demon moved swiftly down the wall and appeared behind Astinos from the shadow he cast.
"Salutations..." The Vampire greeted respectively. Astinos turned and pointed his gun at the fiend.The vampire was a very cultured, well-bred, gentleman. He looked like an undead Aristocrat and to Astinos' surprise he resembled him strongly minus all of his undead qualites for example his white hair.
"Stop or i'll blast you in the mouth! What have you done to the General?!" commanded Astinos. The vampire stood very still and stared at Astinos with a blank face, then he spoke.
"Deeply sorry, lad personal conversation, anywho, correct me if I am wrong...you did just shoot and burned that poor innocent being no?" He said.
"As will be your fate all too soon." Astinos snapped. The vampire smiled faintly and walked toward Astinos who fired once more, a miss.
"I must say, I am concerned where all this hostility is rooted? I have done no more than ask you a question...my name is Vladimir Sonitsa; Dracula's wonderfully witful, wacky, waggish,waggling, wollowing, waltzing, wandering, war-torn,warm-blooded, warmongering, wiseman." He Inducted. Astinos stared in confusion.
"You said you work for Dracula? Blackgaurd!! Arm yourself!" Astinos exclaimed.
" i am not here to fight you, my liege, but to warn you of Draculas coming." Vladimir annonuced.
"Dracula's coming to London?! When, where will he be, tell me!" demanded Astinos.
"Rest easy Astinos, Dracula is coming to, how you say, expand his territory if you will; except on a worldwide scale." Reported Vladimir.
"Rubbish! I will not have that accursed being in this city! I will stop his coming." Astinos stated.
"And wouldn't that jus be lovely? But that idea or even the thought is not likely of happening, i've tried stopping him but to no avail." Vladimir noted. Astinos looked at Vladimir closely.
"Why so informative demon? If you're Dracula's footman why are you telling me this?It's apparent that you are warning me so that i will stop him." Astinos said.
"Don't be daft, consider this, as i said earlier; a "personal" conversation..." Vladimir assured. He then transformed into a black mass of fog and moved on, the General was then relieved of his paralyzation.
Later that night, Astinos returned to his home outside of London, a quaint home passed down to Kennedy from her grandfather. By now it was midnight, the incident took place around nine that evening so there was a two hour period unaccounted for. Perhaps he was thinking about his encounter with the suspiciously familiar vampire, or maybe it was his ruthless execution that troubled him. Whatever the problem was, he was weary as he crept into bed next to who he thought was Kennedy. WOOF!!
"Mother of Mary!! What in blazes!" Astinos exclaimed. Just then Kennedy came from the closet.
"Surprise! I got it at the market!!" Said Kennedy. The dog was black and scruffy looking.
"Why is it in my BED!" Barked Astinos.
"You don't like it?" Kennedy asked. Astinos already had the answer, but one look into her blue sapphire eyes he changed his answer.
"It's a wonderful surprise, love...but Christmas is just in two weeks? Could you not wait?" queried Astinos. Kennedy sat next to him picked up the dog and began to pet it.
"I know dearest but it was the only one left...I couldn't resist!" She insisted. Astinos looked at her while she played with the pup.
"What's its name?" asked Astinos. He took a sip from his tea.
"IT is a he...and his name is Dracula." Kennedy noted. Astinos spewed the tea out of his mouth.
"D-D-Dracula! Are you mad! If you call his name out in public, you will be stoned on sight!" He yelled.
"What it's not like anyone believes in that myth." She assured. Astinos grabbed her by her arms.
"I hunt vampires! They are real Kennedy and they are out there...everywhere...change his name!" Astinos commanded. She looked at Astinos who looked her firmly in the eye.
"Oh, alright....i'll name him something else, dear." Kennedy noted. Astinos smiled and turned in bed in minutes he was sleep. "I'll name you....Dracula II" She giggled
The next day, is was snowing, Saturday and on Saturdays Astinos was to go hunting, a certain satisfaction in "bringing home the bacon" even though the market was just feet away. Astinos usually hunted alone but since they had gotten a dog Kennedy insisted that he accompany him. Of couse the biggest problem Astinos ran into was the fact that the dog was so young, he'd want to play more than anything and if the dog seen anything, rather than snifing it out he barked at it, scaring it away. Normally at about ten minutes into his hunt Astinos would have caught something.
"Dog...you're ruining my hunt, stop barking at everything." Astinos scolded him quietly. In blissful ignorance the dog just jumped around him. Finally Astinos grabbed the dog. "Listin to me you menacing ball of dung, if i do not have something in my bag to bring home you will be what we eat tonight, understand?" The dog barked playfully. "SHUT UP!!!" Astinos snapped. The dog was saddened, he then dropped it in the snow, it made a littel poof noise when it hit the snow, Astinos turned and seen a snow crater with the dog resembling his General with his white "beard", He laughed at him. The dog jumped out the hole and tripped Astinos who also fell into the snow, the dog barked and jumped around happily. Astinos rose from the snow with a serious face this scared the dog, Astinos suddenly broke into laughter playing in the snow with the dog. What he was unaware of however, was the thing lurking in the shadows around them a beastly creature standing on it's hind legs. While Astinos continued playing with the dog, a man in ragged clothing came from out the woods frantic and calling for help. When Astinos seen him he immediately armed himself an turned as serious as he was earlier. "Who goes?" Astinos queried.
"Algernon Breuvaux..." He answered.
"French?" Astinos said to himself.
"Le besoin de monsieur I votre aide.." The man said. Astinos dropped his crossbow.
"I dont understand what you are saying sir, you....you have to speak english!"
"Nourriture et abri, s'il vous plaît !!" He exclaimed. Astinos knew the only person who could understand french was Kennedy's friend Lucy, so he took the man over to her house...
Lucy's house, Astinos comes through the door with the ravaged man.
Lucy was of french descent so she could speak and read french, she was shorter than the average woman and many times dressed like royalty perhaps because of her lineage to the House of Bourbon. Her hair was light blonde which blended with her jaded skin she often looked sick due to her lack of outdoor activity. Despite all this, her cadaverous dispotion always changed when Astinos arrived She was younger than Astinos not by much though, however, her uses to Astinos gave her enough pleasure, even if it was just as an occasional translator.
"Lucy! I need your assistance, this man came to me from the forest thicket speaking french." Astinos said. The man calmed down and kissed Lucy's hands frantically.
"Madame, j'ai été attaqué par un monstre!" The man said.
"He said he was attacked....by a monster..." Lucy reported.
"Was it a vampire? Ask him if it was a vampire." Astinos ordered.
"Le monstre était-il un vampire ?"Lucy relayed.
"Non, non, c'était une bête...." He noted.
"He said that it was a beast....?" She interpreted. Astinos grabbed him by his ragged shirt.
"What kind of beast?!" Astinos barked.
"Un monstre ! Un monstre !" The man shouted. Astinos yanked him around.
"Monstre?! Speak english you babbling idiot!!!" Commanded Astinos. The man became silent.
"It was a monster, a wolf-beast, with fangs....and glowing red eyes. Out of this world Beelzeboul!! Dieu m'aident ! Son aller m'obtenir !" He wailed.
"A wolf? A beast?" Lucy asked herself aloud.
"Watch him Lucy, give him some tea and biscuits. I will return for him momentarily, until then adieu." Astinos exited.
Later that day, Astinos returned home, Kennedy was looking at her self a mirror, modeling her mother's wedding dresss. Astinos shut the door noticieably which startled her.
"Oh, you're home, where's Drac-- I mean the dog?" Kennedy asked. The dog hopped out of his bag. "Where's your catch, dear?" she added.
"I didn't get anything...but a bad feeling." Astinos said.
"Why the bad feeling? What happend?" Kennedy asked.
"There was a man...french, he darted out from the woods, he was beaten his clothes tattered; and he spoke of a wolf-beast that had attacked him." Astinos recalled.
"In broad daylight even?" Kennedy sat on her bed hand to her heart. "Where is he now?" Kennedy queried further.
"I took him to Lucy's house, she can understand and speak French so i ventured out to her estate, and that's where i've been." Explained Astinos.
"Lucy..." Kennedy said to her self.
"Problem, dear?" He asked.
"Nothing...I just...you know she loves you right?" Kennedy said.
"Don't be ridiculous...she clings to any man who gives her attention, i am no different..." Astinos noted. Kennedy layed down, Astinos layed next to her. He came closer to her, he reached into his pocket and presented her with a necklace. Kennedy gasped.
"No i don't desreve this, i'm just being selfish..." Kennedy said modestly. Astinos took her face and kissed her.
"You deserve this, because i love you." Astinos said. Just as the two were beginning to get intimate there was a knock at the door. "Bloody, Hell...who goes?" Astinos called.
"It's Mason! I have urgent news my friends!" He shouted. Kennedy perked up.
"Mason! Quick, get the door!" She exclaimed. Astinos sprinted to the door, Mason grew up with Kennedy yet they never were anything more than friends, of course no one could ever explain that to Astinos. Mason was the epitome of handsome and nothing more, he was tall with his rich black hair cascading down to his lower back; he had eyes of a warrior but by no means was one, consequently he makes up for his lack of courage with strategy and wit. His face was well kept clean he washed it with herbs every day so his skin was radiant.
"What do you want?" asked Astinos.
"May i come in...?" Mason requested. Astinos quicly examined Mason.
"No..." He replied. Kennedy came from behind
"Come in, Mason, we don't mind the company." She insisted. Astinos shut the door noticeably. Mason turned to look at him.
"You're pet is nice..." Mason noted. Kennedy picked up her dog.
"Thank you, his name is Dracula II." She said
"I wasnt talking about the dog." He remarked. Astinos frowned. Mason took his liberty of walking to the teapot and pouring himself a cup. Astinos held his tongue, instead he proceeded with his question.
"What's this urgent news, Mason?" Astinos queried. Mason took a sip of his tea.
"Ah, yes....General Fallus was murdered last night." He reported. Astinos' eyes widened.
"How was he killed?" asked Kennedy.
"As of now his cause of death is unknown, what is known however is that he was in a struggle during his final moments." He noted.
"A struggle, how so?" piqued Astinos.
"He was found face up on the floor and there was a grizzly red mark around his neck which would lead investigators to believe he was strangled. Furthermore, and this is what threw them off; the "batlle scars" he received from this bout were that of claws." Mason explained.
"Claws? Like an animal?" Kennedy puzzled.
"Or of a wolf...."Astinos concluded. Mason looked at him.
"Something you'd like to add...prime suspect?" Mason accused.
"Pardon?" Astinos looked at Mason with a hateful but appropriate glare.
"You heard right, prime suspect, YOU were the last person seen with him Seargent." He affirmed. Astinos confronted him face to face.
"And do I look like i have claws you dolt!" Astinos yelled. Mason took a sip from his tea.
"Quite right, then perhaps it was someone else. Maybe that french trull Lucy had a hand in this." He said, Astinos quickly smacked the cup of tea from Mason's hands, Kennedy jumped.
"She has nothing to do with this, and even if she did you will respect her either way you pompous whelp." Astnos scolded.
"...Why would Lucy be a suspect?" Kennedy acted as a mediator between the two. Mason fixed himslef.
" *Ahem* Lucy is a suspect because of the seal found in the General's room. It was an emblem from the House of Bourbon, and the only SOUL in London who brags of their heritage enough to bring Loius X!V from the dead is Lucy Bellamont. Astinos remembered the man being particularly friendly with Lucy but that's just because she was french, or so he thought. Either way he wasn't going to accuse her without the according evidence.
"Well, its not like France doesn't exist anymore; you cant just put this all on her without investigation." defended Astinos.
"Which is why we've sent investigators to her estate." Mason rebutted
"Astinos, didn't you encounter a man ealier today with ragged clothes speaking french?" Kennedy cited. Mason turned to Kennedy.
"Oh?" Mason queried. Before Kennedy spoke again Astinos interuppted.
"A beaten frenchmen came from within the forest and i took him to Lucy so as to find out why he looked that way." Astinos explained. Mason shook his head in disappointment.
"Tsk, Tsk my boy...in any court you would be counted as an accomplace." He said.
"But dind't the man say he was--" Dracula II barked cutting Kennedy's statement. Astinos sighed in relief, he quickly took advantage of the opening.
"Listen you, I took that man there in an effort to save his life, nothing more understand?" Astinos said.
"Very well, I suppose i will see you when we question Ms. Bellamont then?" queried Mason.
"...Get out..." Astinos ordered. Mason smiled deviously, tipped his hat to Kennedy and walked out the door, Astinos slammed it shut. He then grabbed Kennedy again by her shoulders. "Were you trying to get Lucy killed, woman?! Thank God for that dog or she'd be burning at the stake by noon today with myself as the firewood!" Astinos exclaimed.
"But would'nt that be helpful to know that the he saw the same monster that allegedly killed the General?" She said innocently.
"Kennedy with all that's been going on he could very well be the monster, hell Lucy could be in danger! Blast!" Yelled Astinos. He swiftly gathered his weapons and cloak.
"Wait, where are you going?" Kennedy asked.
"To see if Lucy is still alive." He answered. He rushed put the door and took a horse from the stable, all the while Mason was on the other side of the house after just recieving an earful of invaluable information.
Astinos arrived at Lucy's estate to see the police outside her gates.
"Officer, permission to enter." Astinos asked. The officer looked at him.
"And you are?" The officer queried.
"Sargeant Heartstone, Astinos Heartstone, sir." He announced.
"Your business here Sargeant?" The officer asked.
"I am a witness to the murder." Noted Astinos. The officer went over to his superior and told him his business. The superior came over.
"Sargeant, no one is to enter the house until notified." He relayed.
"On whose orders?" questioned Astinos.
"Sargeant Major Westbrook, sir" He reported.
"Mason!? That....b*****d" Astinos remarked.
"Sir?" Pardoned the officer. Astinos walked away from the officers, but not away from the estate; Astinos knew the property well so he knew of serveral other ways to get into the mansion. Meanwhile Lucy and the random frenchman were being interrogated concerning the murder, the man still refused to speak english so Lucy continued to translate. The interrogator was Lieutenant Wes Griffin; Wes was a muscular fellow whose hygiene was to him not becoming of a "real" man, he was prejudice towards the French, he considered the women being more manly than the men, which to him was utter sacrilege. He was tall and middle aged had a face that resembled a horse; in that his face was longer than most people. His hair was short grayish-blonde hair and he'd fight any one who said he was getting too old for his job. He slammed his hands down on the table and shouted at the frenchman who simply responded "rien" everytime the Lt. asked a question violently. So instead of wasting time, Wes commanded Lucy to ask him the questions and translate the answers.
"Ask him what he was doing with the General after midnight in the first place!!" Wes ordered. She asked, and he replied.
"He says it was personal." Lucy translated.
"DAMN THAT!! YOU TELL HIM TO START TALKING NOW!!" Wes exclaimed. Lucy turned to the frenchman.
"Algernon, j'ai besoin de vous pour me dire pourquoi vous étiez là." Lucy said. Algernon looked at Lucy and she smiled sweetly.
"Nous étions des amoureux..." He answered. Lucy stopped for a moment.
"What? What did he say? Answer me!!" Demanded Wes.
"He...said...they were...lovers." Lucy uttered. The Lieutenants eyes widened.
"Inconceivable....he's lying, tell him to tell the truth!" Wes commanded.
"It is the truth!" Lucy argued. Wes appraoched Algernon but Lucy stood in the way.
"Out of my way wench!!" Wes raised his hand to strike her but Astinos stopped him.
"That won't be necessary Lieutenant." intervened Astinos.
"Sargeant...what is the meaning of this??" The Lt asked.
"There is no reason to strike Ms. Bellamont, she is only telling you what he is saying." Astinos answered.
"What are you doing here, I mean...i told the guards that no one was to come in without my saying!" Wes barked.
"I entered at my own discretion, sir...I wanted to speak with Ms. Bellamont before Sgt. Maj. Westbrook arrived." He answered. Neither of them liked Mason so Lt. Griffin was understanding.
"You and Ms. Bellamont are aqquaintances?" Queried Lt. Griffin.
"Somewhat, yes; perhaps if i had chance to speak with her in private she'd be more comfortable." Suggested Astinos. The Lt. looked at Lucy who was speaking privately to Algernon. He pulled Astinos close to him.
"The conversation you will have may be private, but i want to know EVERY WORD that was exchanged amongst the three of you when you report back to me, understand?" Wes requested.
"Sir, you have my word." affirmed Astinos. The Lt. then exited the room, Astinos quickly turned to Algernon and shoved him up against the wall.
"Listen to me carefuly, I know you speak english because the General knew nothing but that so speak it to me! If you don't want to be blasted in a firing range, you have to tell me the truth; what happened to General Fallus?!" Astinos interrogated. Algernon looked to Lucy she closed her eyes softly. Algernon looked back at Astinos.
"You have his eyes." He said to Astinos.
"What?" puzzled Astinos. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GENERAL! DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?"Astinos shouted.
"Elle me détruira!!" Algernon yelled. Astinos looked to Lucy for translation, she paused for a moment.
"....He said that he'd rather die....." She said. Astinos looked at the man with hoplessness.
"So that's it...you're going to die for this? Is it worth your life?" Astinos said. He walked out, the Lt. was waiting down the hall.
"What's the news?" He asked.
"Kill the b*****d for all I care." Astinos remarked.
"He didn't budge for you either then?" Lt. Griffin queried further.
"No...i just don't understand why...we were trying to save HIS life, the damn fool." Astinos noted. As he finshed his sentence, the two heard Lucy scream in terror, Astinos quickly ran down the hall to her room while Lt. Griffin followed close after. They entered the room and saw a monstrous 7ft werewolf standing over an unconscious Lucy.
"Lucy!" Astinos shouted. The werewolf growled at Astinos. The beast was Algernon, his once short black hair was now a ragged mane that ran down his back, his once pale skin was now a silvery white ragged fur, and his once handsome face was now one of a bloodthirsty wolf.
Astinos drew his pistol and his rapier in an attempt to draw his attention form Lucy so that Lt. Griffin could retrieve her.
"Lieutenant i'm going to distract the beast, you get Ms. Bellamont. to safety!" Astinos ordered.
"Aye! Be careful, when i get her in a safe place im coming back, so you better be alive then. That's an order, not a request!" He replied. Astinos had never faced down a werewolf before yet he tried not to sweat as the beast swung and snapped at him. Lucy's room was large, but her overgrown queensize bed was in the center which made it hard to move around the room no less dodge a hairy, hairy, fang-toothed daemon. Even still, Astinos can use the bed as a buffer between them, the beast tossed the bed through the wall leaving Astinos in the open.
"Blast!" Astinos thought. The beast launched a chair at him he rolled out the way and fired at the beasts chest, its roar shook the house. Astinos fired again at its face but the cunning beast lunged at Astinos and tackled him through the wall. The Liuetenant returned with more men and aided Astinos The beast swiped one mans hands off. Lt. Griffin went to lift Astinos out of the rubble.
"You alrite lad?" He asked.
"I'm alive...how's Ms. Bellamont?" Astinos asked.
"She's....not breathing, i sent her over to the care area." He answered. Astinos grabbed his pistol and a bigger sword from one of the armors around the room and went to fight the beast.
"Time to wrap this up Liuetenant." remarked Astinos.
Whew! A lot that time....bet you didn't see that coming huh?

- Title: The Tragedy of Astinos
- Artist: Trxstr
- Description: A fictional story of vengeance, love, lust and ultimately loss. Astinos is a young man who will experience all of these things before the story is concluded; the story takes place during the time of Dracula, Astinos is an avid supporter of the hunt for him and his wretched brides. His love, Kennedy she is his only weakness and if anything was to happen to her he'd give his life in exchange willingly unless of course if his mortality is something he will be able to offer...
- Date: 10/01/2008
- Tags: tragedy astinos
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Comments (5 Comments)
- My_Love91 - 10/01/2008
- I read the add-on, what did they see!! Aww man i wanna know!!!!
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- Trxstr - 10/01/2008
- Thanks everyone...i appreciate ur feedback comment some more if u wanna see...um...more, yeah :]
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- switJham - 10/01/2008
- kewl
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- My_Love91 - 10/01/2008
- I love the description, i like his name too! I hope u add more I wanna see what happens next!!!
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- Kojiro_Mimura - 10/01/2008
- Whoa...why did you stop? Hell yeah man, i wanna see the rest 5 stars!! Cant wait
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