• He watched her from the roof tops as she moved through the crowd. Dazzled by her looks he couldn’t look away. He saw as she gracefully went through the crowd to her house. She was wearing all black as usual but today’s outfit was a slim form fitting dress with a fish net top over it and a variety of jewelry. Her hair as always was down and free flowing. He saw her reach her door and knew the show was over today. With this he walked to the back side of the building and without stopping he stepped off the edge and landed on the ground below. He then turned left and walked out onto the street and was then lost from sight in the crowd.

    Pushing his way through the open market he got to the other side. Deep in thought he continued walking without noticing he was being followed. The follower seemed intrigued by the man and wanted to know more. Done with his thought he noticed the followers shadow and turned to meet eyes with the woman he just stood on the roof top watching. Before he could get a word out she was already talking.

    “uh hi. I noticed you dropped this while in the market and thought of returning it to you.” She held the man’s wallet out in front of her. The man checked his pockets for his wallet and noticed he didn’t have it. Without a word he took his wallet and placed it in his pocket again. When he looked up to say thanks she was already gone. Puzzled he continued his walk.

    Still intrigued by the mystery man she walked back to her house through the crowd. Seeing a beautiful bouquet in the corner of her eye she decided to buy it and would put it in a vase when she got home.

    She lived in a nice town house on the upper side of town. He lived in a rundown apartment. 2 people from different sides of town; literally. She was born into a high powered family. He lost his nobility when he was shunned. Both growing up without a single friend.