• You never expected this to be the reaction to what you did. Sure you joked about it, and even said it in a serious voice and a dead pan face... But you never thought that this was how it'd be after...

    When you left... When you disappeared, you imagined them in an exhaustive search for you. You imagined them not being able to sleep for days, weeks because you were gone. You thought their lives would stop. You thought that you were the glue that held their fragile shells together. You thought you were important.

    But they were right...

    They didn't need you at all.

    Their lives stayed the same. Their lives improved. They grew. They became older much like the time when being old was good. Have you realized your mistake yet?

    No? Well, you should feel horrible. You could have been with them. You could be with them right now, if only you weren't such an idiot. You thought they needed you, but they don't. They don't. Now, you're the one outside looking in.