• Cloud loomed over me, threatening to drop rain. I was rushing home so I could watch my favorite show, The Justice Files. I love justice and I'm very neat, so therfore I like files as well. When the two come together I could blow a justicey, filey load. I was really syced about the new episode coming on tonight. My mind was set on watching it. Maybe that why I didn't hear the footsteps behine me. "Don't move and I won't have to hurt you." a voice echoed from behind me. I turned around. Her face was dark. Covered by the shadow of the umberella she carried. Her faded jeans and black t-shirt covered up any evidence of physical strength. Which is why I continued on.
    Then she called out agian. "I said don't moved." her voice was sweet to the ears, yet stern. I turned to face her agian.
    "What do you want?" I was going to miss my favorite show because of this girl! I could of been home by now!
    "I want you." I saw a pistol of some sort slide out from under her sweatshirt sleeve. I bolted, but she grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me under the umbrella. She held a cold hand over my mouth and I began struggling. I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I was consumed by darkness.
    I felt like I was on a cloud. It was soft and it felt like warm arms were wrapped around me. I was in a trance, when I heard a familair voice. "Get up." She broke the spell. My eyes flew open and I was not on a cloud! I was in a bed! Someone's bed was laying under my back and trying to drag me into sleep. I looked at the figure in front of me. Faded jeans and black sweatshirt. I sprang upright.
    "Who are you?! Where am I?!"
    "Sorry for the inconvenience. I just had to...use you."
    "Use me? What's that suppose to mean? You can't go around useing people!"
    "I just did."
    "Okay seriously lady. What do you want with me? I'm gonna be late watching my show if you keep me here."
    "I'm sure it's over by now." I glared at her as she leaned back in the golden colored chair and crossed her arms. "You'll be able to see it again."
    "WHAT?!" I jumped out of the covers. "What time is it?!" She didn't seem startled at my reaction. Altough she'd been waiting for it all this time.
    "It's 4am." She glanced through the bay veiw window next to the bed and then back at me. Her, eyes I realized, were like an unending ocean. A murky blue.
    "Alright,well..." I began. "I have a curfew to keep and my friend was suppose to come over today. So now I'm going to have to go home and apologized because, you know, some jerk had to USE me!" She smirked. It was kind of attractie, but her looks weren't going to cloud my judgement.
    "I had to use you for a reason."
    "And what might that be?" I was becoming impatient.
    "I need you to assinate a certain person."
    "Look...I'd love to help, but I'm not the assination type. So can we do this some other time? 'Cause I really have to go." I walked over to the door and looked at it. There was no doorknob. eek

    To be continues...haha