• The day was gloomy. Even more gloomy than usual. Although my mother was outside, being the cheerful person she was born to be, I knew something...was wrong. I turned to see where my cat lay. His perfect gray hair, his big, gray eyes. All perfect.
    My mother came up to me and said, "Luna, it's time for lunch." I gave her a stern stare. A stare as to say, "Leave me alone, Mother. I don't want anything to do with you." I slowly got up and began toward the house. I turned to Mother and asked, "Will father be joining us today?" As if. I thought. My mother shook her head and left to serve lunch. After lunch, I locked myself in my room. As usual. A few minutes later, I heard the familiar knock on my window. Twilight. My best friend since we were toddlers. I met her while in day care. Twilight...we had been drifting apart lately, and she had been acting strangely. I snapped back to reality and opened my window.
    "So tell me. Was it hard getting to the third story?"
    I laughed and helped her in. She stared at me and finally said, "It was OK." I laughed and plopped myself back on the bed. She began to snoop through my things. Not really normal behavior for Twilight. I stared at her in disbelief. I got up and said, "Hey! Those are my things you're going through. I mean, who gives you the right to go through my things!" Her eyes widened. As if I had insulted her in many ways.
    "Oh, come on. I thought you were my best friend. You're suppose to LET me go through your things once in a while. I mean, come on."
    "I'll let you once you tell me this...what are you keeping from me? What's so important that you keep from me? Your best friend..."
    Her face got dark. I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes. I was struggling not to let them free. She didn't answer. Instead, she began to chew on her nails. A habit of hers.
    "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to."
    She stopped chewing and looked up. Her eyes were bigger, and darker now. She looked up.
    "Y--...You're a....OK, I'm just gonna spit this out.
    Luna Kaydall, you're a vampire!" The words were then coming to my ears. Me? ...No.
    That wasn't likely.