Part 1
Girl of evil
Rain fearlessly smacked Cassidy’s window. Since moving to Evergreen Town, all Cassidy had seen was rain. Her father had moved here after their mother lost her third child to pneumonia. Their new house was a blue two storey on the edge of town.
Downstairs Cassidy heard her brother Norman shrieking with delight at one of her father’s old jokes. Next door Cassidy heard her mother’s gentle sobs. Why me? thought Cassidy. After an hour Norman burst into Cassidy’s room, his red/brown hair a mess and his green eyes screaming with delight. “Cass! Daddy told me the tale of Evergreen! Want to hear it?” squealed Norman. While he screamed out the tale Cassidy snuck downstairs to see her dad straightening the lounge room. Ignoring the mess Cassidy strode up to her father. “Daddy can I please ditch Norman tomorrow?” asked Cassidy hooking her long, sandy blonde curls behind her ear. “Ha, ha. Afraid not Cass, but you can get your mum down here to eat dinner” laughed Cassidy’s dad, his face red from laughing too hard and his brown eyes as playful as Norman’s.
Mumbling Cassidy walked up to her parents’ room and found her mother crying into the pillow. “Mummy?” said Cassidy. Lifting her head and moving her long, sandy blonde hair, Cassidy’s mum looked at her. “I saw her Cassidy! I saw her!” panicked her mum. Slowly Cassidy walked up to her mum and sat next to her. “Saw who mummy?” she asked unsure if she wanted an answer. “Her! The dead daughter of Evergreen! Please help me she said I’m next! Or the first!” whispered her mum trembling in fright. Mummy is still not over Adelaide thought Cassidy, pulling her mother closer Cassidy hugged her lovingly. “Silly mummy no one will take you away from us” she smiled. But if Cassidy had bothered to look outside she would have seen a small girl with two red braids sitting on the picket fence. “Liar!” the girl said but her words were lost on the wind.
The next morning Cassidy led an upset Norman to school. “Cass what if mummy saw Miriam?” asked Norman more than a little scared. “Who?” replied Cassidy stopping to look down at Norman. Before he could reply a third voice joined in from the stone fence. “The dead daughter of Evergreen” said a boy’s voice.
“Who are you?!” demanded Cassidy squeezing Norman’s hand. “Henry Smoulder” the boy smiled. “I’m Cassidy Derek and this is Norman my brother” frowned Cassidy stepping away from Henry. Easily Henry leapt to Norman’s side. “How old are ya Norman?” asked Henry. “Eight and Cassidy is eleven,” said Norman now hugging Cassidy’s waist tightly. “Beware, Miriam won’t quit till your mum is dead!” shouted Henry. His words froze Cassidy’s blood and made her wish she could go home, but she couldn’t, it would scare Norman even more and anyway Henry was probably teasing them.
As they walked home that afternoon Cassidy couldn’t help noticing an old woman curled up in the street. “You okay?” asked Cassidy rolling the woman over. Immediately Cassidy’s hand flew to cover Norman’s eyes as she saw what’d happened. Cuts were all over the woman’s face and her hands and feet were held on by a fine piece of body tissue. Breathing deeply, Cassidy let out a blood curdling scream as the woman’s blood spread on to Cassidy’s hands, thick and crimson. People ran into the street to see what was wrong and one person dragged the kids from the scene.
“You kids okay?” asked the police officer when homicide showed up. “No! We just found a dismembered body!” shrieked Cassidy ready to run home and beg to move far from Evergreen. “Boss, this is strange. Neither signs of weaponry use nor any evidence of any kind,” whispered one officer to Cassidy’s interviewer. “What?” asked the interviewer, Cassidy tried to cover Norman’s eyes as the body was moved into an ambulance.
Part 2
Is she here?
Even with her window closed Cassidy still felt the chill of night and tossed restlessly under her quilt trying to warm the bed. In her unsettled sleep Cassidy saw the dead woman in her dreams and a girl with red braids, wearing a white dress standing over the woman. Smiling as blood swamped her bare feet. But that was impossible only Norman and herself saw the body lying on that empty street two nights ago. The girl lifted her head and looked at what Cassidy thought was herself. “Look mama” the girl breathed. Cassidy looked at herself. No longer a slender, tall girl with sandy blonde curls and deep brown eyes but a woman in old clothing with her waves of jet black hair pulled into a bun. “Who are you?” demanded Cassidy. “Silly mama. It’s me, Miriam” giggled the girl with innocent blue eyes.
Before Cassidy could say anymore her alarm shocked her awake and sun blinded her through the curtain. “Just a dream” sighed Cassidy using a tissue to wipe off her sweat. Pulling on her old jeans and a wizard of oz on ice novelty shirt Cassidy ran into Norman’s room. Normally she’d wake him up but today he stood like a statue in the middle of his room, face as white as sea foam. “Are you okay Norman? Do you feel sick?” asked Cassidy lightly touching his shoulder. Her gentle touch made Norman jump like a wolf would devour him if he didn’t. “Please no more surprises Cass!” he said as tears welled in his eyes. “Sorry. But do you feel okay?” frowned Cassidy. “N,no” quivered Norman.
After Norman’s attack of fright Cassidy talked her dad into letting him stay home, leaving Cassidy to deal with Henry all day. “Me, pa says that it’s Miriam’s ghost that killed Mrs Heps. Poor old bat. I had her in kindergarten and she was harmless. Her husband owns the town’s local bakery. But he’s closed it mourn. My thought is ya gotta croak sometime and the sooner the better” explained Henry as he followed Cassidy to school. “Doesn’t mean when you die it has to be happy. Loved ones will mourn your death” snarled Cassidy shoving Henry into a puddle. Most of Cassidy’s rage came from the fact Adelaide had died.
Mr. Jamsper, Cassidy’s teacher had been babysitted by Mrs Heps when he was young and so was absent that day. Meaning Cassidy got to go home early. As she approached the gate she was stopped by Dillis and Lucia two of Cassidy’s class mates’. “So you and Henry seem close” pouted Dillis folding her thin arms over her unusually flat chest. “No, we just live near each other” shrugged Cassidy fiddling in her jeans for her pocket knife. Her dad had given it to her after the first murder and often Cassidy checked if she still had it just in case. “I’m shore” huffed Lucia roughing Cassidy’s hair till the scrunchie came loose. Great more trouble thought Cassidy. These girls’ found Henry cute but Cassidy had seen guys’ with neck length black hair, ear piercing and stunning amber eyes’ before in Colorado and London. “Don’t worry I find Henry annoying so he’s all yours. See you to more Dillis, Lucia” smiled Cassidy slipping between the two and running off.
Now as the spot of Cassidy’s discovery came near she ducked into an alley and new nightmares occurred as Cassidy saw a boy of only five years on the ground. Rolling him over Cassidy began to sweat as she saw what’d happened, burns covered the right half of his face, his left eye hanging out of its socket. Cassidy then noticed a crimson patch on the boy’s shirt, she leant forward to have a closer look as she did this her arm bumped up against the boy’s corpse, it seemed soft Cassidy, then felt the boys body again all his bones seemed to be broken and his organs seemed to be non-existent. Once more fear over took her and a scream echoed through the neighbour hood.
Police were very thorough this time but again they found nothing not even cuts in the body to show how the organs were removed. News reporters swamped the area and tried to get at Cassidy. Once her fourth police interviewer left, Cassidy called her dad and was driven home as rain threatened the sky. “Don’t worry Miss Derek we’ll catch this mass-murderer who ever he is” encouraged the officer who drove Cassidy home that day. Ignoring the bulky man, Cassidy stared out the police vehicle and thought of the boy and Mrs Heps. The boy’s name was Thomas Cargo, he lived on top of the fruit market with his grandma and both his parents’. He’d been a year from school and was the under tens swim champion for three years! “Sir, about the Heps case. Any news on how Mr. Heps is?” asked Cassidy realising she knew half of Thomas’s life but none of Mrs Heps.
The officer looked at Cassidy through the rear view mirror. “Got a call yesterday. Plans to move to L.A. Really something Mrs Heps had gunned for since her second year at school. Her entire family history going back eight hundred years is here is Evergreen. We’ll call her son who’s studying abroad tomorrow. Don’t worry about it Cassidy” said the officer turning his attention back to the road. “Can you tell me about her and maybe Henry Smoulder?” asked Cassidy. Suddenly the officer slammed on his brakes. “NOW LISTEN! I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO HEPS AND CARGO BUT TOUCH SMOULDER AND I’LL TAKE YOU IN WEARING CHAINS!” shouted the officer in an unknown rage. “What? I’d never even seen Heps and Cargo till I found them DEAD!” wept Cassidy.
Four days passed and Cassidy never left her room. Inside her room was a small pile of sweat soaked tissues holding her nightmares, toys and clothes thrown about and Cassidy sitting on an upturned bed, rings under her bloodshot eyes. After each nightmare Cassidy would not fall asleep. Calls would come regularly from people who thought Cassidy was guilty but her family and Henry knew better. Finally Henry encouraged Cassidy out that was the wrong idea. But he only realised this when they entered Evergreen National Park…
Part 3
Dying is the start
Dillis lay under the largest tree, her spine had been ripped out, flies where already swarming over her body, her left leg missing, maggots had already started to infest her eyes and were beginning to come out of her mouth covered in blood. One look made Cassidy puke and nearly collapse but Henry prevented her from it.
Nothing was found but the body this time as well! Cassidy began to wonder how this was possible, then a name came to mind. Miriam, the dead daughter of Evergreen. But why? Thought Cassidy. She turned on her heel and ran to the library, Henry breathing down her neck. “What’s wrong Cassidy?” he asked huffing as he ran. “I need to know Miriam’s story and the library should keep records. Also I want to see if these deaths are intertwined before someone else gets hurt!” said Cassidy. The two practically jumped to the top of the library steps. Henry went to get town inhabitant records while Cassidy found a book on Miriam. Each word in the book was old and fading fast, the pages were yellow and torn from age.
The Tale of Miriam Smoulder
In 1900, during the towns first years Miriam Smoulders mother, Lillian Smoulder was burned alive after being proven a witch. Seven years later, police searched Miriam’s father’s house and in Miriam’s room they found the six missing bodies of women from outside towns’. Each woman was brutally murdered and beginning to rote. So Miriam was tied up and burned but first her curse fell on Evergreen.
“In one hundred years I will be back!
Many will die in my search for
My mother. The warnings
Will be clear:
1. An old woman will be cut beyond recognition.
2. A boy burned and disembowelled.
3. A girl with no spine
4. Police officer with burnt ribs.
A woman will…”
Before the curse could be completed Miriam was killed and all her files destroyed. Say for this hidden record by me, Donaldson Smoulder. Also known as Miriam’s father. I remarried after Miriam’s death.
Violently shaking, Cassidy placed the old book down and looked at Henry who sat at a desk leafing through very old records. I can’t tell Henry this thought Cassidy pulling the book up to her chest.
It was late when Henry walked Cassidy home. “You seem nervous for someone who found nothing on Miriam Smoulder. It’s strange, I thought Evergreen a Story for Ages by: Donaldson whatever would hold the answers” said Henry trying to lighten the mood but failing. “Well, it was pretty old” shrugged Cassidy. The two parted at the stone fence and Cassidy from there ran home.
Part 4
School seemed emptier the next day, as Henry sat next to Cassidy in the food hall. Early that morning before school, Cassidy had taken out the garbage and found a tombstone next to the trash. On it was written:
In loving memory of my daughter,
Miriam Cassandra Smoulder
1900- 1907a.d.
The school’s cream corn broth slopped onto Cassidy’s tray, as she thought of the tomb and heard Lucia’s loud cries of sadness. “Cass, you okay?” asked Henry, shovelling the thick broth into his mouth. Sitting up straighter, Cassidy looked at Henry. “No, I found Miriam’s grave outside my house” whispered Cassidy. Under the table Henry squeezed Cassidy’s hand. “Can I see later?” smiled Henry. “Wipe your face and you can” smirked Cassidy. A bell rang, signalling for Gym class to begin.
Everyone in the class stood in the Gym staring at the officer. That’s the officer who drove me home after Thomas’s death. Officer Liam Donald. He had full thickness burns extending from his upper arm to his last rib, which pierced his lung, blood and bile spewed forth from his mouth. The officer was coughing and spluttering as he tried to breathe and ended up choking on his own body fluids. One girl threw up at the sight. Cassidy was the first to move over to the officer. “Is there anything I can do to help you, Officer Donald?” she asked, using a gym towel to clean up the blood. “Miriam curse” choked the officer. An hour after an ambulance took him away it was announced he’d died. No one really spoke of the murder but people suspected Cassidy of the crime. Only Henry stayed by Cassidy’s side and helped her to continue researching.
During early fall, Henry found an interesting piece of information. “Heps, Cargo and Donald were all originally from Evergreen. In fact they personally over saw Miriam’s death. Along with Wither and Regent. Both the Regent family and the Wither family left after ten years in Evergreen. I can get a family tree of all of the families” said Henry passing a box to Cassidy. The two were in the public library again but this time all they could work on was the records as the book was being used for a history project in the local primary school. Carefully Henry flicked through the yellowing records of the box. “Heps, Cargo, Donald, Regent and Wither” read Henry pulling out five cow skin scrolls with elegant ink work.
Regent Family
Wilford Suzanna Mary Fred
1890-1901 1890-1901 1891-1902 1891-1902
Gwen Richard
1898-1923 1998-1924
Running a hand over the Regent’s tree, Cassidy sighed. How many of these people died like the first victims? Thought Cassidy. A gasp escaped Henry’s mouth and Cassidy looked at him. In his hands was a cow skin scroll and he turned it to face Cassidy. Her throat became suddenly tight as Cassidy read the tree.
In her head the last name on the tree kept screaming in Cassidy’s head. Kelly Derek! The words screamed inside Cassidy’s mind. “So my mum is going to be…” began Cassidy but she choked on the final word. “Maybe it’s a type-o. This may not be accurate” reasoned Henry, nervously squeezing Cassidy’s rattling shoulder.
When Henry finally pulled Cassidy away from the library, it was sunset and a thick mist was rolling in from the bay. Once in the main street, Henry stopped and looked at his small book of notes. “Has Miriam contacted you or Kelly?” he asked flipping pages. “Yes. During our first week mum said she’d seen her and in my dreams I see her calling me mama” admitted Cassidy. Further down the alley a cat screeched. “Okay” said Henry. Now Cassidy explained each dream in detail. By the time she was done, the two were at the road where they parted but the path to Cassidy’s house held a foreboding presence. “Hope, to see you tomorrow Henry” gulped Cassidy, readjusting her backpack as if it would help.
As Cassidy saw her house a lump grew in her throat and sweat decorated her brow. Norman sat in the misty yard waiting for Cassidy. “Sorry I’m late. Mum and dad aren’t home?” smiled Cassidy, unlocking the door. “I think mum began hallucinating again, so daddy took her to the hospital. Did you and Henry have a nice date?” shrugged Norman. His question caused Cassidy to stumble into the entry hall. “What are you on? He’s a friend and we were studying in the library because with all that’s happened… the library is just better. Unfortunately I forgot to do my math, so don’t bug me” blushed Cassidy. Really she’d done her homework as a nerve calmer during lunch.
It was just dawn when Cassidy left the next morning. Even though school was closed, she still used studying as an excuse but really she was meeting Henry at the bay. “Henry! Morning” yawned Cassidy, as seawater hit her long, denim skirt and leather boots. “You okay? Hey guess what I found more info on Miriam” laughed Henry, pulling a folder from his satchel.
My suspions are soon to be proven true. Yesterday at the second town meeting I put forward my evidence that Miriam Cassandra Smoulder is as much a witch as her mother, Lillian Monic Smoulder. Unfortunately I fear Miriam may seek my head for this true notion. Thankfully I’ve planned ahead. Four people know of my efforts and results, plus I’ve kept you my dear diary. When I die you shall go to the Wither family heir, Courtney Sophia Wither. Yes I’m willing to die to prove Miriam is a threat to this great establishment, Evergreen! Farewell my diary, friends, daughter and my beloved husband, Wilford Mathew Regent.
Lovingly written by:
Suzanna Lucia Regent of South Evergreen
Closing the folder carefully on the yellow page, Cassidy wiped away her tears. That woman sacrificed herself to save Evergreen. If I must I’ll do the same thought Cassidy and she gave the folder back. “The library is closed today so let’s go to your place. Me dad’ll go nuts if I bring a girl home” joked Henry.
As the two friends neared the house a scream emanated from it. Stopping to listen, the two waited but no more sound emerged and Cassidy broke into a run. Once in her lounge room, she’d wished she’d stayed outside for her father held Norman tightly. The sight was something a daughter should never see, Cassidy’s mother was dead. Head cleaved in two, stomach torn open with all her organs scattered around her. That was the sight in the lounge room.
Gasping at the sight, Cassidy ran outside. Henry stood in the yard staring at Cassidy’s nightmare. Miriam could have once been beautiful. Her crimson, braids catching on the tornado like wind, transparent milky skin prickled, as her pale blue dress flapped around her. Cassidy couldn’t help noticing that Miriam’s eyes were rolled into the back of her head yet still seemed to bore into a persons’ soul or the fact that Miriam was neither transparent nor solid but in between. For a second Cassidy staggered as the weight of the problem sunk in and that was all she had to do before Miriam lunged for her throat!
It took Henry a second to react. He shoved Cassidy out of range before jumping out of range himself. Miriam screamed out her rage and turned to Henry. She made him gag on his own blood which had managed to rise into his throat and all Miriam was doing was staring at him. Panicking Cassidy hurled Norman’s baseball at the dead girl. It travelled through the girl but was enough to shatter her focus and provide relief for Henry. Screaming again, Miriam hovered over to the middle of the yard, her eyes now blood red. As the young girl glared at the two, Cassidy felt her heart tightening and Henry gagged on more blood. The friends held each other up and stared back at Miriam.
Suddenly the strangest thing happened, a gold pentagram formed around Miriam. A series of painful howls and pleading gasps escaped Miriam’s mouth as gold light encased her. The swirled around, Cassidy and Henry forcing the two right against the house walls. Finally it stopped, Miriam vanished and Cassidy saw her tombstone shatter into a hundred stone pieces. Breathing a sigh of relief the two laughed, happy it was over…Or was it?..
By: Schysc
- by Seri Al Keller |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/04/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Fears In Town
- Artist: Seri Al Keller
- Description: A short story about a small town with a bone chilling secret. Two girls one from this plane of existence, the other from a place beyond our own. By the way Wilford is married to Suzanna, Mary is married to Fred, Gwen is married to Richard,
- Date: 08/04/2008
- Tags: horror
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Lindsey B3 - 02/21/2009
That was amazing. It was so creepy and gory but still amazing.
You should so write more. - Report As Spam