• Chapter 6 - Big Regrets

    Drakutha felt weird,Was what he was doing right? Was being Bi ok? He had questions that needed answers.He sighed,Then got up from the ground near the lake.He ached in his forehead,And he just felt horrible.He was plainly grateful none of the Professor's had noticed him,Yet he was ashamed at what he had done.He walked up to the castle and noticed Elrokk,with Marieth.He shook his head and a tear dropped from his eye,He wiped it up and continued walking.He arrived at the doors and slowly opened it up.Seirta was in the hallway,Sitting down on the marble floor and pressing her eyes up against her hands.He meant to say,"Hi..Seirta",But he just walked away up to Gypraskin Tower.

    "Frogsboden",he said.The portrait swung open and he entered.The main room was completely empty,Not a single human being was there.He went up to his bed and searched in his trunk for a notebook.He grabbed a pencil and walked down the stairs to the main room.He sat by the fireplace and started sketching Marieth.He signed the paper as Loved by,Drakutha..

    Alot of things ran through his mind.Marieth,Seirta,and Elrokk.He didn't want to see another person until class with Professor Granath,The potions master.He checked the clock,It was running on 3:45,He had to get to class at 4:00.He closed his eyes,Then opened them back up.Obviously he was very sad,He heard the portrait swing open.The person who gave him curiosity the most,Elrokk,Entered.He walked in,Hands in pockets,With a bored look on his face."Hey..",he said.Drakutha just stood up and walked over to Elrokk."Is being Bi..Alright to you,Elrokk?",he asked.Elrokk looked at Drakutha."God doesn't hate us,No matter if we are straight or not.Everyone should accept us as we are,I mean..Being Bi,Theres nothing wrong with it.",he said.Drakutha nodded,He felt a little better."Well..should we get to Granath's?",asked Drakutha.Elrokk nodded and took Drakutha's hands."But..Drakutha,Just remember..You are accepted as you are.How you dress,act,Who you marry or date or kiss,It doesn't matter.",he said.Drakutha felt gleeful.He kissed Elrokk's Cheek and whispered in Elrokk's ear,"Thanks."

    As they arrived at the Hallway,Seirta was walking towards them.They quickly let go of eachother's hands.Seirta looked at them and said,"Why..?",Elrokk and Drakutha looked Disappointed."Why..Didn't you tell me?",She finished."We couldn't,Its been since we entered Addorinack.",said Drakutha.Seirta nodded,"Ok,I accept.Well Im going to Granath's.",she said..Then walked away.Elrokk and Drakutha smiled."Now,we can have some time alone.",Drakutha said.Then guided Elrokk to the wall.They started kissing.

    Drakutha stopped and said,"Granath's class in 5 minutes,Do you even know where it is?"Elrokk shook his head,Drakutha laughed..They walked down the hallway.They saw Professor Granath."Hello,Professor.",said Elrokk."Hello Elrokk,Hello Drakutha.My class is just down the hall,Make a left and look down.",she said.Elrokk raised his eyebrow,Then shrugged.They went down the hall,Made a left,And looked down.There was a little pixie."Right here boys!",she said in a squeaky voice.The pixie opened up a secret passageway."Go down here and you should be in Professor Granath's room in no time.",Drakutha went down first.The stairs were white and they curled as you carried down.

    Drakutha and Elrokk came down to a huge wooden door,They opened it and there revealed a black hole.They stepped through the black hole and walked down the hallway,There was another wooden door.They opened it and entered Granath's room.They sat down at the wooden desks.They heard a snap and Granath was in the room."Welcome to potions....",she said."Today we are making a potion called Jilenthias,It is used to puncture enemies.But it is forbiddened in the areas of this school.",Granath Smiled and walked over to the blackboard."The ingredients are simple.Pixie wing,Mermaid hair,And 2 drops of water.Mix right 3 times,Then left 4 times.Mix Slowly though,If you dont you'll miss the bubbles and they will explode with the potion..That means it would puncture you.",she said.Drakutha smirked,"Heh,Useful.",he said to Elrokk.Elrokk nodded,They followed the instructions and filled a vile with the potion.

    After potions was yet another break,Seirta told Drakutha and Elrokk to follow her and Marieth to the grounds.They smiled and faced eachother as they sat down.Marieth and Seirta started kissing.."WOW!",said Elrokk.They were stunned."Yeah,I have secrets too.",said Seirta.She and Marieth giggled and continued kissing.