• This was that moment, the true moment of all truths. Nothing could compare to this moment. As the gentle lips that held warmth reached in, it seemed to be seconds that were slower than I expected. Though we went through those bad times, we still stuck out. It was as if a stick that never rid it self, as if a flower that would always have a bud, and the same as a tree that had thorns that always stuck out. I could feel his warm hand against my cheek bones.
    The smile that spread over my face was as if magic. It was just a simple second, but to me was a life time. As our lips touch, it was as if I were shot. Shot with this electric zap, that made my pulse beat rapidly. His hand gently moved over my slightly tan skin, over to the ends of slightly wavy brown hair. My chest heaves up and down in a sigh, when his hand stroked through my hair. He stroked it back as our forehead’s touched.
    We only went out on a simple date. But nothing could be compared to this night in any length of grieve. I held no regrets as I let him steal one of the most valuable things from me. His raven black bangs tickled my head. We stared into each other’s eyes.
    As his lips began to touch mine only so slightly; there were few dimples on his smooth face. My arms just sprang up around his neck. The crickets chirped and the porch front lights were dim upon our stance. His captivating brown eyes told my light blue eyes it was the right time. I think I lost count of time, but I loved this guy. Something sparked inside me, telling me that this guy loved me back.
    His breath was cool, but refreshing against my lips. I lightly peck him back and a grin plastered on his lips. Our excitement was on a scale and it was shooting out at the top. It was as if there were no tomorrow. Even if there wasn’t, it didn’t matter. His hands caressed me as if I were fragile. I held onto him as if he were my crutch. I didn’t want to let go, never did, never will.
    But as disappoint rang down on us. My parents would most likely become suspicious. My arms didn’t want to move and my legs felt as if gel. He whispered words that I couldn’t register. But made me smile and daze off into his glazing eyes. He pulled away and I almost stumbled forth. He looked back and laughed. I looked at him with my brightest smiles, teeth aligned, and joy reflecting off them.
    “See you Rosetta,” he softly whispered.
    “…Yeah…see ya…” I whispered as I felt my finger twirl my hair. “Jacob.”
    His grin grew and he nodded. I watched him turn and walk off to his car. His arm shot up and down in a victory dance. I twirl to the door with my hands together to my silly grin. This guy was my happiness and I was his golden trophy. I stood there at the front door. My smile went away when the door open to reveal my 12 year old brother.
    Moment of truth was a moment of embarrassment to hell. He made cocky statements as I came in. I rolled my eyes at his silliness. My hand ruffled his brown spiky hair and he cocked an eye at my sudden loss of care. Though it was ruined by my goofy brother, I wanted him to be the one. Even though he was far out of league to be my soul mate, he was the one who made those dates. I love you Jacob.