• The fragrance melted my resistance instantly. Delicious red nectar tantalized me, urging me to plunder into its' sweetness. Yet the terror stricken eyes immobilized my cruel intentions. She sat obediently on my lap with emotions in turmoil. The sensual ride promised with the bite tempted her body but fear embedded her mind.

    Slowly, I caressed the wound that tempted my demon, lightly with my tongue. It was all I could do to stop myself from slobbering all over her. Mesmerized by the intimate touch, she just stared as tasted her. As I bent to kiss her willing lips, a sigh escaped. Surrender always made the blood sweeter....and she was all mine.

    The tender flesh hidden beneath her soft beautiful hair felt like satin cushions of a plush couch. The ones you sink into with great comfort. She trembled as my breath kissed her neck. The excitement almost unleashed my control. Before either of us could go back, i plunged into her, deep and firm. I danced with ecstasy. My eyes closed with delight as the nectar I longed for spilled into my mouth.

    She tasted beyond delicious. I relished every drop she could relinquish.