• The hot sun overhead, two weeks since we had last seen a town, two days since we'd last eaten. Kristen, a former prince, was complaining and I was ready to snap. Max, a very skilled thief, ran up ahead. "I found a forest, There's bound to be food and water in it." He said happily, Kristen ran after him and I followed the two.

    Soon we were surrounded by the trees, shaded from the burning sun.
    We set up camp and decided to look for food, Kristen stayed and guarded the camp.

    As Max and I were walking through the forest, it was quiet. Hoping not to get lost among the identical looking trees, I was concentrating on the ground watching where our feet left prints. "Hey Jeffrey..do you think our quest is a loss?" Max asked. I wasn't really paying attention. "Umm Jeffrey?" he said my name once again. This time I looked at him. "What was the question again?" I asked. "Never mind." Max sighed.

    Through the trees was a clearing with a pond, some berry bushes and an apple tree. Hastily we grabbed as much food as we could carry and hurried back to camp, and were greeted with a less then happy face. Max threw an apple at kristen who caught it. She took a bite and glared at Max. "Whoa, calm down Princess, we found food didn't we?" The thief asked jokingly. "Don't you ever..EVER call me "Princess" again!" Kristen said as she attempted to hit Max who ducked out of the way. He stuck out his tongue childishly. Once again I was the one taking the job as referee. "Quit fighting or I'll throw the food into the pond." trying to sound like I ment what I said.

    They both looked at me like I was insane. "You wouldn't DARE!" Kristen threatened. "Just try me." I replied walking off into the forest. I needed to clear my head. I hated stopping their fights but if I didn't we wouldn't of gotten this far.
    I still remember how we met..

    Last year I was out walking my dog, Flix, He led me to this cabin where a girl was attempting escape with some sort of crystal ball. A witch had spotted her and sealed the exits. Apparently the witch had been working on a revenge plan to use on a spoiled prince she had locked away in the next room. The witch grabbed the thief by the back of her shirt and dragged her into the other room. Curiosity hit me so I crawled over to the next window to watch the events unfold. The prince and thief were gender swapped,bender'd whatever you choose to call it. The spell the witch had used nearly blinded me, if I hadn't been wearing my goggles at the time I would of..I really could of lost my sight. I overheard the witch say something about magical gems being able to get the two back to normal, she pushed them out of her house where they found me spying on the house. That's how we met, that's how we started this insane quest but I have a feeling it'll become a life or death kinda thing along the way.

    As I wandered around aimlessly in the deep,green,dark forest. I began to hear voices. "Come on Jeffrey! Come and play a game with us!" I followed where the voices were coming from. I felt like I was getting lost within a maze of trees and plants..but I didn't seem to have any choice but to follow and find out where it was leading me. I must of tripped over something because the next thing I knew I was on the ground. The voices started laughing, I started to feel dizzy and blacked out.

    When I awoke there were two strange looking monkeys, one was purple with a horn on it's head while the other was green with wings and a dragon tail. They both wore creepy smiles on their faces which made me believe they had drawn something all over my face. As I began searching for something to wash the marker I believed was on my face. I began to hear the monkeys laughing behind me. I turned around to face them. Now noticing something I hadn't when I woke up. These monkeys were bigger then me..Which had to be my imagination because monkeys are normally not bigger then I am. Then like a speeding truck or a ton of bricks it hit me. They had to of shrunk me down to the size of a small doll.
    The odd monkeys handed me a hand mirror, they were still laughing. I looked in the mirror to see a red..rabbit. I,Jeffrey Scott, was now a little red bunny rabbit.
    Hoping, wishing, that this was a dream I began to run back towards the camp.

    "Jeffrey's been gone for a while now, I hope nothing has eaten him." Max said as he laid on the grass. "If your worried go look for him." Kristen replied, she was painting her fingernails some weird purple pink color. Not used to running on all fours I tripped and ended up hitting Max. "What the hell?!" the startled thief said sounding surprised. "Owww...I'm so not gonna run like that again." I commented while rubbing my head with my paw. "Hey, I know that voice!" Max exclaimed. He picked me up and looked at me. "Jeffrey? Your a..." "Rabbit. I know I know." I interrupted. Kristen approached us and set me down on a tree stump.. "Your actually kinda cute now..It sickens me." she said.

    It was getting dark so we finished off the food we had gathered earlier that day and went to sleep.

    Sleep, It's gotta be one of the most important things. It gives you energy for the next day and it's the time your brain absorbs most of the stuff you learned during the day.
    But..I think it was having the opposite effect on me, well the part about the learning anyway, because when I awoke the next morning everything was different and new, or it seemed new.

    I stood up, the world began to spin, I shouldn't be dizzy when I just wake up but I was.
    The two people were still asleep: A boy and a girl. I don't know why..but I couldn't bring myself to leave them, even if I knew I had too.
    The boy soon woke up. He yawned. "Oh hey Jeffrey, What are you doing up so early?" he asked. I looked at him confused. He laughed. "Oh come on, don't tell me you just woke up as well." I shook my head no. He must of noticed something was a miss because he crawled over to me and looked at me oddly. "Are you alright Jeffrey?" He asked. "I'm..not sure." I said quietly.

    We both just sat there, trying to figure out what was wrong with me and soon the girl woke up. "Hey. What are you two doing?" she asked in a tone that showed she didn't really care. "We're trying to figure out what is wrong with Jeffrey, He can't seem to remember anything." The boy answered the question.
    "He's a rabbit, that's his problem." The girl replied as she opened up a water bottle.
    "Then we gotta find a way to turn him back to normal!" The boy said happily. "And just how do we do this?" The girl shot back. The boy's expressions became saddened "I'm not exactly sure."

    I began to hear giggles and whispering coming from the forest and ran off to try and find out who was making those noises.
    "Hey! Where are you going!" The boy called out after me.
    I continued to run, nearly tripping over tree branches and rocks in my way. The sounds of the forest animals and demons were louder then the sound I wished to chased.
    Almost lost it
    Over there
    It moved again

    I'll never find it at this rate
    Don't give up

    I stumbled upon a small open meadow in the middle of the forest. It looked rather mysterious. Fireflies flying around glowing around a small spring.
    The trees had a silvery glow even though the moon was no where in the sky.
    The flowers seemed to sing without any voices.
    A purple monkey sitting on a rock humming a little tune. I looked at it. Anger clouded my vision and I don't know why. It must of spotted me because it began to run.
    The chase began.
    "Jeffrey! Come play with me Jeffrey Come play" it said as it ran.
    I continued the chase without thinking what may or may not happen.
    The monkey led me through the forest and into some cliff area.

    "I'm done! I'm not chasing you anymore today!" I said as I feared it may lead me off the cliffs and to my demise.
    "Your no fun Jeffrey, but oh well I can still play games with you. You'd make the perfect game piece, now what should I play.."
    A game? Was my whole life just a game for a monkey to play? Was I born only to be used a pawn in it's game of chess?
    My head hurt..I had to sit down. The world was spinning again.
    "Aww..Jeffrey Your confused more then ever now aren't you."
    I said nothing, didn't move. I couldn't.
    "Now only one thing left to do." it said as it reached for something on my head. "Without these goggles my victory in our game will be assured." I stood up, memories flooding back to my mind.
    "Your not..taking these..their mine..." I said pushing the monkey away.
    This must of caught it off guard. "How are you able to - My spell shouldn't of worn off yet.."

    I got ready for a fight. The monkey did as well.
    "Turn me back to normal." I said, The monkey just laughed. "If I did that Jeffrey-Jeffrey then I couldn't play my game anymore." It's reason was not a good one.
    "Turn me back." I said again. The monkey shook it's head no. I ran at it, not really sure of what I was doing. "Last chance!" Again the monkey shook it's head no.
    I sunk my little fangs into it's left arm, piercing the skin and causing crimson blood to slowly approach the surface, getting caught in the purple fur. "You little brat, no one makes me bleed my own blood. Not you, Not demons, no one." It seemed to be getting mad. "Turn me back or I'll do it again" "I'd like to see you try."
    I had claws, as to why a rabbit would have claws is odd but I used them to my advantage, scratching the monkey as it failed to dodge.

    A blue light
    An Orange flame
    What does it mean?

    The monkey shot me with some blue glowing orb.
    I felt like I was on fire, My voice gone, My soul felt like it was being ripped to shreds. I felt like I was dying.

    "Ungrateful little imp, I hope your happy. But this will not be the last you see of me, oh no no no, Be careful what you wished for because your appearance may cause you pain."