• Mason rode around in his wheel chair, happy that he was in the hospital, and his sister was visiting with his family. His leg was wrapped in a bandage, since the disease he had made it bleed like mad every time he unwrapped it or left it unwrapped. His other leg was in a much better condition, making it easy for him to use crutches, because he was using motion in swinging his leg, it would make it bleed more.
    He rolled along, heading to the visitors room, happy that he would see his family...
    He slid to a slightly rickedy halt in the visitors room. Only there was something off.. No family.
    His eyes grew slightly wide, and he went over to the attendant at the main desk. "Where is my family?"he asked, a bit worried.
    "I'm sorry bud, they had to go to florida for a vacation, they'll be back here in Denver in a few days, to visit you." "I hear they're bringing you some gifts.." the attendant said, smiling.
    He nodded, as a couple of tears dripped from his cheeks. He turned in his chair, and wheeled back to his room.
    He shifted himself from his chair to his bed, and watched tv, tears beginning to flow faster. His family was the only thing that kept him not wanting himself to die. So he turned the tv to Nickelodeon, and tried to go to sleep.

    A couple days later.

    Mason was extremely happy, his family would be visiting today, considering what happened from last time, when the attendant told him they were in Florida, he got very sad, and wouldn't eat for half a day.
    Mason wheeled into the visitors room. No family again.
    "They went to look for you!" The attendant said, answering the question he was about to ask her.
    Mason smiled.
    Mason wheeled around, and went down a hall. He heard the tapping of rain on the roof, and sighed. The weather channel had said there was a possibility of rain today. He continued wheeling, as the lights overhead flickered on and off. He blinked a couple times.
    His family still hadn't been seen. For making him suffer by not visiting him, he would make them suffer in ways you couldn't image..
    He wheeled into the kitchen, and yanked a knife off a shelf, the cool being in the other room, had no idea one of his silver knives was about to turn scarlet.
    He wheeled down the hall, the knife hidden under a folded blanket in his lap.
    He spotted his sister up ahead, walking forward. She continued walking, having no idea the misery she would go through in a few minutes..
    He wheeled ahead, and the wheel of his chair hit her foot, causing her to yelp, and fall onto her back. She looked up. She saw mason. Mason's wheel chair went over her, blocking her arms from moving, barely giving her enough room to move her arms an inch or so.
    He lifted the knife...
    "So....what did you get me, sister?" he said, his voice filled with anger and hate.