• Traveling from place to place fighting warriors and creatures of this world called the Corflix Zone. Meeting a new friend was one of the best things that could happen in this place. Although he has me I can tell he is missing something he wants. Cain wants a family and he doesn't have one because all he is a figment of my imagination. I miss my family, but he never had one to miss. I don't know what it feels like to have no family, but it is not a good thing to know. He can not even search for his family because he will never find in this world or Earth. Rikana eventually became a super powerful creature. Rikana eventually mastered the fire attacks, and became a master of fire. The best at every fire attack known to this world. As we traveled me,Cain and Rikanah we came across a girl she was like part fish and had scales. The girl was trapped in shape shifted stone. Cain used a attack and broke it! She was super shy. Plus scared of me. Cain talked to her and asked her what her name was. She told him Vapora. We taught Vapora many moves. She stuck with us so one day she could servive on her own. Vapora liked to ride Rikanah. He would take care of her better than we would. Vapora tried to convert Rikanah into a master of water but it didn't succeed. It failed actually. We continued our adventure with a new friend. Vapora kept on getting better but she still needed to work if she wanted to travel alone one day.