• A fireball flew over his head as Koshka returned fire with a trio of crystal shards. They were spot on as the opponent let out a scream of pain and fell to the ground, knocked out from the attack.

    "We have our winner, Koshka Ralica!" Yelled the announcer as Koshka walked off the field with the opponent following close behind on a stretcher. "The final round is up next and it is Koshka Ralica going up against our reining champ Trezon Rabel."

    They both walked into the arena and the crowd burst into cheers and applause as the fight began. Trezon produced a pair of angel wings and took off into the air, leaving Koshka on the ground. Trezon then created a bow and arrow by plucking a pair of feathers from his wings and began to fire multiple arrows toward the ground and Koshka quickly dodged them all, returning fire with a barrage of fireballs. They incinerated the arrows and were spot on as they hit Trezon and burst into flames. He fell to the ground in a smoldering pile and Koshka walked over to the body.

    "You put up a good fight, but I think that you need more training." He said and he turned to walk out of the arena.

    "I think you're the one that needs more training. You should know not to turn your back on an enemy." Came a voice from behind Koshka and when he turned around all he could do was put his arms up to defend himself.

    -More to come in part 2.